Childcare Traineeship Help

Questions on starting a Cert 3 or Diploma traineeship, duties during a traineeship, traineeship working conditions etc.
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Childcare Traineeship Help

Post by shmollie_hollie » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:12 am

Hi, im 18 years old and recently got accepted into a childcare traineeship for my cert III in childrens services. Since this is my first "real" job im a little nervous about starting in the next few weeks. My employer didnt say at the time what my wage would be she just said it would be very low. Im also a bit nervous about how i will be treated in terms of respect in the workforce as a trainee, Early childhood is a passion of mine and i want to make a career out of it, im just nervous about starting off at the bottom i guess. Any advice would be much appreciated :) Thanks.

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Re: Childcare Traineeship Help

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:49 am

I do not know how exactly the traineeship works but if you have been accepted for a proper job you should get a formal letter from your place of work confirming what you have been accepted for and what your wage, working hours etc would be.

Even though you will be starting off at the bottom please do get stuck with doing all the cr*ppy menial jobs, and yes I have worked in places where trainees and assistants were only allowed to change nappies, do toileting and cleaning by the group leader!!! If it seems that is all you are doing I would discuss this with the DIrector of the centre as you are there to learn.

Do not be afraid to ask questions and if you are unsure of anything or apprehensive about doing something someone has asked you to do ask, check.... again I have worked in places where the poor assistant/trainees have gotten into trouble because they trusted the other staff and went ahead and did something without checking.

Just because you are starting off at the bottom it does not mean you should not be respected.
As a GL myself I have never had an assistant or a trainee where I have asked them to do something I would not do myself ... sorry but I have no respect for people who I see who treat the assistants like dirt.

Good Luck with the job, I am sure you will love it and good luck with your Cert III... you will find this site v. helpful throughout your studies

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Re: Childcare Traineeship Help

Post by shmollie_hollie » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:13 am

thankyou so much for the reply I really appreciate everything you had to say :) Im sure i will love the traineeship, I had a trial there a few weeks ago and i loved it. I am just feeling a little anxious about starting out and am unsure of what I will be expected to do. Your info has helped me tho :)
Thanks again x

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Re: Childcare Traineeship Help

Post by Lorina » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:10 am

Hi shmollie_hollie,

Welcome to our forum!

Its normal that you are feeling a bit nervous. Everyone feels nervous when they get started! but as you learn more along the way, you will gain more confidence...

Hey, did you have a read through the articles for "Childcare Professionals" we have here on this site? Here is an article on "Starting A Traineeship in Childcare" and I think this should answer all the questions and doubts you have.

This article will help everyone who is thinking of "Starting a Traineeship in Childcare". It gives info on "What a Traineeship is", "How to start a traineeship in childcare", "benefits of doings a traineeship", "working as a childcare trainee", "traineeship pay" and more..Easy & practical tips for people interested in starting a career in child care and children services.

Here is the link: "Starting a Childcare Traineeship"


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Re: Childcare Traineeship Help

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:45 pm

I am sure you will be fine, its just hard starting a new job.
Even with 15 yrs experience I am always a tad nervous when starting a new job as it takes time to adjust to new places, new people, rules etc
Good Luck with it and let us know how u r getting on xxx

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