Trouble getting a job

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Trouble getting a job

Post by Iris2 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:56 pm

Now to start, I'll give as many relevant details as possible. I have made some bad career moves. I did an arts degree with a major which is basically useless in Australia. I was just planning on studying as long as possible, and didn't want to 'grow up'. I was lucky to get a unique job at an OSHC which was looking for my exact major, This job has been good and bad. It gave me enough money to improve life for a couple of years, work experience, and I found I was really passionate about working with children. However, I get bullied at work and recently, after some management changes I don't get many hours and work two hour shifts when the service can be more than hour drive from my home in traffic. I was supposed to be finishing a uni degree in a different field this year but my life kind of got turned upside down due to various reasons, and after basically ruining my academic record, I decided I was not suited to a career in that field anyway and should pursue my career with children.

I just moved in with my partner and feel anxious about being a financial burden on him, and he has his own financial problems. I also am tired of the bullying. I started studying primary education online (starting in a week) and thought this would help me get another OSHC job but I've had no luck. No calls. No interviews. Nothing. I then started studying a diploma of early childhood education and care online. I got two job interviews but it seemed that they didn't go well. The first one seemed less convinced after she asked I had a cert iii and I said, no I'm studying my diploma. I thought she knew this since I outlined it in the application. The other one, I thought it went well. She did ask me if I was doing a cert iii or diploma and I said I went straight to diploma. She said I should do cert iii first because my rate will be lower. I can't do cert iii because it isn't covered by VET loan, and I can't afford upfront fees but obviously I just agreed with her and said nothing about it. Then as I was leaving, a fellow interviewee told me she already got a trial, which was not mentioned to me at all. I know I should meet the legal requirements to work in childcare, but don't know why else I am not preferred or what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone tell me what could not be appealing to employers about my experience or studies? To make the obvious clear, when I have the interviews, I show up five minutes early, well-presented, with minimal make-up and professional attire. I also use my best manners and smile. It is driving me crazy. I know I will have a good chance of getting a job after finishing my diploma but I can't wait that long. :(

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Re: Trouble getting a job

Post by Lorina » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:51 pm

Are you going for Diploma qualified positions or cert 3 positions?

As a Diploma working in a cert 3 position the employer has to pay you a higher wage because you have a Diploma qualification. So, for them a Cert 3 qualified educator is cheaper especially for that role.

I think you will need to start applying for Diploma qualified positions. Such as a Room Leader. Or find positions that ask specifically for a Diploma qualification.

In regards to your degree in primary education you don’t need to have this to specifically work in an OOSH centre. With this degree you can work in a school instead. Maybe that’s something that you want to do in the future with this specific degree...

It sounds like you’re doing everything right with your interviews so continue going with that... don’t take it personally if you don’t get a job straight away. There could be many factors involved and sooner or later you will find a centre that will suit you.


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