Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Group Times 16 months - 2 years
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Group Times 16 months - 2 years

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 8:58 pm
by Pinkanat
I have just become the room leader of a 0-3 room. This year most of our children are around 1.5 years - 2 years old.
All of my staff members including myself have struggled hosting group times with such a young age group (we are use to 2-3 year olds).

We are struggling to get them to come to the group time as they do not want to leave play, once they are sitting or standing around the group time it is a struggle to keep them there (they get up instantly) and some of my children get very distressed and cry.

We have tried to implement small group times which helps unless one of them are upset, we sing a group time song and give children prior warning.
I was thinking of implementing a group time bell so children know what to do when they hear that noise, any thoughts or suggestions?

Re: Group Times 16 months - 2 years

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:02 pm
by ANewBeginning2018
It will take a bit of energy and effort at first, but if you are consistent and have group /circle time at the same time each day, the toddlers will get used to it in time.
Ringing a bell is such a lovely idea.
You can also have placemats with each child’s pic on it and lay them on the floor. The toddlers will know where to sit and it will be a learning activity to recognize once’s picture too.

Good luck.

Re: Group Times 16 months - 2 years

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:49 am
by Lorina
Use lots of visuals such as felts, images that the children can see during singing. For e.g if you are singing old McDonald you can use animal figurines or toys to show which animal etc. tell stories using felts etc. use musical instruments that they can shake and play with, play games, dance, do exercise etc. griupntimes diesnt have to be about sitting and reading a book... it can be anything really...


Re: Group Times 16 months - 2 years

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:53 am
by Lorina
This may also help: Group Time With Children
