Extending Learning On Fruit
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:29 pm
I had a lovely morning with my treasures. I need some help with extn ideas for the following please. I've got writers block.
Today was an amazing day with the children. They were all so settled and focussed.
They were inclusive of each other . Respectful and communicated well.
Today we have the most marvelous time at morning tea.
Some of the children are a little less than enthusiastic about their fruit. I have been thinking about how I can encourage the children all to eat fruit and came up with the following.
I said to Lincoln (A great fruit eater and a child that understands humour)
“Don’t you eat your fruit Lincoln”.
He looked at me with a huge smile on his face and took a huge bite of his fruit.
I said “Oh my goodness that’s so naughty not to do as you are told! DON’T eat your fruit!!”
He laughed out loud as I said this
We went through this routine again with the same outcomes.
The other children caught on to the game and all the children started willingly eating their fruit.
I then included their water in this game and almost all the drink bottles ended up empty.
The mood was jovial and all the children were laughing and telling me they were eating their fruit/drinking their water. Their language was rich as they were talking about how they were NOT doing as Linda said. They found Being (Part of a collective joke) Belonging (Part of that joke) Becoming (Becoming more confident healthy eaters).
I think it was a very successful time with the children.
What I have leant
I have learnt that all the children will eat their fruit given the right trigger
I have also learnt that the meal times here need to be retooled to make meal times a richer more enjoyable time for the children where they are all encouraged to make heathy choices.
That I have a strong relationship with Lincoln in that I know his humour and his healthy eating habits.
Child feedback
Fruit time was so much fun NOT eating our fruit.
I liked NOT eating my fruit too and I ate it all!!
Yes you did Cameron. I am very proud of you.
I like you Linda your so much fun!
Yeah real fun
I ate alllll my fruit and you saw me and we were laughing
Yes you did and YES we did have so much fun.
I had a lovely morning with my treasures. I need some help with extn ideas for the following please. I've got writers block.
Today was an amazing day with the children. They were all so settled and focussed.
They were inclusive of each other . Respectful and communicated well.
Today we have the most marvelous time at morning tea.
Some of the children are a little less than enthusiastic about their fruit. I have been thinking about how I can encourage the children all to eat fruit and came up with the following.
I said to Lincoln (A great fruit eater and a child that understands humour)
“Don’t you eat your fruit Lincoln”.
He looked at me with a huge smile on his face and took a huge bite of his fruit.
I said “Oh my goodness that’s so naughty not to do as you are told! DON’T eat your fruit!!”
He laughed out loud as I said this
We went through this routine again with the same outcomes.
The other children caught on to the game and all the children started willingly eating their fruit.
I then included their water in this game and almost all the drink bottles ended up empty.
The mood was jovial and all the children were laughing and telling me they were eating their fruit/drinking their water. Their language was rich as they were talking about how they were NOT doing as Linda said. They found Being (Part of a collective joke) Belonging (Part of that joke) Becoming (Becoming more confident healthy eaters).
I think it was a very successful time with the children.
What I have leant
I have learnt that all the children will eat their fruit given the right trigger
I have also learnt that the meal times here need to be retooled to make meal times a richer more enjoyable time for the children where they are all encouraged to make heathy choices.
That I have a strong relationship with Lincoln in that I know his humour and his healthy eating habits.
Child feedback
Fruit time was so much fun NOT eating our fruit.
I liked NOT eating my fruit too and I ate it all!!
Yes you did Cameron. I am very proud of you.
I like you Linda your so much fun!
Yeah real fun
I ate alllll my fruit and you saw me and we were laughing
Yes you did and YES we did have so much fun.