Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Help with Room Leader
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Help with Room Leader

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:35 pm
by missie
I am a trainee that started in child care in April and at my current centre in May. The children, facilities and hours are great. The only problem is my room leader. I am almost certain that she doesn't like me and it makes me very uncomfortable.

My room leader is very aloof and impatient with me, and I am really trying my best to please her and be professional but some times it gets really hard.

I have worked with children through a volunteer organisation for five years, am organised, punctual and smiley, so I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

I don't know what to do. Help!

Re: Help with Room Leader

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:46 pm
by saz_123
Hi Missie!

I am sorry you have found yourself in this situation. It is really important than you have good communication with your group leader. I would try and sit down with her and talk about what her expectations are of you, and vise versa. Don't be afraid to say how your feeling to her as she may not realise that she does it. I find it helps when the room is quiet to try and spark a conversation about yourself or try and find something in common to ease the tension, humour works well too. I hope some of this helps and good luck :)

Re: Help with Room Leader

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:39 pm
by rachelroo
Hi Missy,
You're in WA so I guess your not talking about me!! ha,ha
But seriously I had one like that when I first started and she was just stand-offish with people she didn't know, we ended up getting on really well after a few months.
How does she get along with everyone else? Sadly some people are just cranky, hard to get along with people and you just have to deal with it proffesionally until you change rooms! I had the same thing last year and I just smiled , focused on my job and this year we are in different rooms...and it's great!!

Re: Help with Room Leader

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:43 pm
by missie
Thanks guys! Our room has had some team meetings and it appears that I am her first trainee ever to start from scratch as the other girl in the room was already part-way through hers when she began. I'm going to do my best to grin and bear it and just get through me cert as quick as I can.

Re: Help with Room Leader

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:22 pm
by fchaudari76
Regardless of anything she should not be impatient with you, as a GL she should be mentoring you and helping you, not making things uncomfortable for you.
I would sit down and just ask her what her expectations are of you and if she feels you are falling short in any areas and if she has issues try and resolve them together.
Some people are just aloof and weird until they get to know people but I do understand your frustration as it is hard being in a room when someone is acting that way around you.
Hope things improve