Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other
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CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:29 pm
by AlliG
Hi I am trying to complete RPL but am struggling with this question. So far I have answered that Educators should role model to children by always speaking to each other in a supportive, warm and respectful manner. That when talking to children about families that children realise there are lots of different types of families such as a mummy and a daddy, two mummies, grandparents etc. Use photos to show the children that there are different countries, languages and beliefs. Have dolls that are multicultural, and dolls that use a wheelchair. do you think I am on the right path I don't want to offend

Re: CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:46 am
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right path... You could also include:

- add posters within the play areas of different families, people wearing different clothes from different cultures, etc.
- have group discussions with children on what makes them the same (hair colour, age, eye colour etc. ) and different (what they eat, their family structure, languages they talk etc.). You can record this discussion in a chart to display for families etc.
- have different puzzles with people within the community, children with disabilities etc.
- play games with children to help them understand what's it like for a child that is blind (cover their eyes with a blindfold) or can't hear (wear headphones or something similar) and get them to do tasks to see what it's like etc.

Hope this gives you some more ideas,


Re: CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:15 pm
by AlliG
Thanks so much I also thought that as tomorrow is Harmony Day that children could bring in photos of their extended families and a little info about their families heritage to display in the classroom.

Re: CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:18 am
by Lorina
Yeah! That's a great idea!


Re: CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 11:29 pm
by Ciko
Hi im stuck plz can some one help

Thank you!!!!❤️

How have you encouraged children to respect similarities and different between each other ?

Re: CHCECE007 Encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 3:16 am
by Lorina
What are the types of discussions you can have with children that help children to understand similarities and differences between each other? Such as culture, their homes, food they eat, clothing etc.
