Circle times go beyond just sharing a book or singing songs. Children get the chance to acquire new ideas and concepts, participate in group learning experiences, communicate and work together during circle time. However, sometimes there are barriers to overcome - a child may not want to join, a child who runs away, a child who distracts others, or a child bored. The following article provides strategies on what to do when children struggle with circle time.
The Early Childhood Terms Posters are a set of 25 display posters that provide an explanation of common terms used in early childhood. These are great for Educators to understand definitions of key terms used throughout the early childhood industry.
An easy winter craft by creating a paper plate polar bear. Watch polar bear spin around and round as you hold it in your hand or give it a gentle blow.
Workplace Bullying is something that each of us may have experienced at some point of time in our industry. It makes you feel incompetent, it's depressing and you feel worthless. No one should ever make you feel negative, especially at your work! Workplace Bullying is a serious risk to the emotional wellbeing and health of educators and it needs to be prevented and dealt with if it does occur. It's unfortunate but it still exists in early childhood settings!
Find The Same Directions - Fruit enables children to choose the right directions for each fruit. This is a great activity for children to learn visual discrimination, left to right and up and down. These can be laminated for children to reuse.
Using straws, children can create splatter patterns while blowing liquid watercolours on paper. Fun and simple for all!
The Yoga Poses For Children Posters illustrate 16 different yoga poses/asanas for children to practice. Each poster demonstrates the child's yoga pose/asana, followed by the yoga pose name in English and Sanskrit. These are great to be used as a display or refer to when teaching children.
When children practise yoga it increases their confidence, builds concentration and strengthens growing bodies. For children with behavioural issues, yoga can improve their impulses in a positive direction and provides them with an outlet as a way to manage their behaviour.
Like other professional contexts, the early childhood setting too, comes with its own set of pressures and anxieties. Mindfulness can be an excellent way for Educators not only to find their own calm but also to teach children valuable lessons on de-stressing and self-regulation. The following article provides information on What Is Mindfulness, How It Can Help Educators, How It Can Help Children and more.
The Yoga Colouring Pages are for children to colour, paint, or collage. These are great for children to observe the different types of yoga poses and to begin to identify them. When children practise yoga it increases their confidence, builds concentration and strengthens growing bodies. It teaches children to be calm while gaining awareness of the body, self-control and discipline.
Yoga is one form of practise which includes breath control and specific body postures (asanas), that provides a range of physical, spiritual and mental relaxation.
One of the most significant areas of change in early education came with the use of positive guidance strategies in place of traditional disciplinary methods. Praise and encouragement are two important but different strategies for positive guidance, with many practitioners preferring the latter over the former. The following provides the difference between encouragement vs praise and which is most effective.
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