Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Should I complain??
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Should I complain??

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:04 am
by rocky
Hi all,

I work for GOODSTART as a casual staff and I get sent to many different centers. I am particularly concerned about one center which I worked at 2 days ago.

The building of the center is very small. The babies room has no windows and it stinks and gloomy. There is no access to hand washing taps in the babies, toddler or preschool unless they leave the rooms and walk to the bathroom. Ratio is disgusting-I came to cover someone for lunch, and they asked me to go outside when I came outside there was a group of children playing ALONE, no one was with them. Children fight a lot,scratch each other, etc. Once I was left alone with a large amount of children (different age groups) in the yard!!!!! and I am only casual. And when I came back home I was EXTRA exhausted mentally and physically.

Lunchtime: children are not encouraged to wash their hands at all. We were outside, they had lunch on wooden, dirty tables while the toys are still on the tables and bees flying around!!!! One child who is not allowed to eat pork,ate some off another child's plate!!! and the educators did not seem to care, what if he had a bad allergy to pork???

What should I do?? I feel sorry for the children?? Should I complain ?? :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:32 am
by rocky
Nappy change: There is no nappy change in the babies,room neither the toddlers. But what they have is a small change table in the room where they eat, sleep and change nappy!!!, and there is not tap to wash hands after nappy change, only gel. Unhygienic.

Activities: there is no educational activists set up to support children learning and growth, e.g. Sensory play dough,

Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:11 pm
by Smiley
Not good. How can centre b like this. No staff thinks this is problem 4 children. Parents not worried when seeing centre this way? Yes complain. Centre should not b open. Should b area manager 4 Good Start. Ring & complain. If not accepting complaint ring acecqa 4 spot check. Don't feel bad centre isn't good at all.


Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:39 am
by NorthLight36
That seriously needs to be reported! Those 'practices' are dangerous!

Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:11 pm
by amelia08
Hi! It is best that you should complain to the authorities the facility where you worked for. You will be a parent in the future and I'm sure you would not like to have your future kids to stay there.

Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:41 pm
by wimble
First step is to go to the management at the centre (ie the director). At least to give them the opportunity to respond. A lot of these large centres the director sits in the office all day and does not have a lot to do with what goes on 'on the floor'. This is still no excuse as from your description these issues seem to be endemic and to have been happening for a long time. The director should immediately put certain procedures into place. I would expect an immediate meeting with ALL staff including casual to get to the bttom of what is going on, then putting into place a step by step process to rectify the issues, this would be done like a QIP- issues dealt with in order of priority, safety breaches first such as getting the staffing organised regarding supervision and ratios, then dealing with issues in the environment like the lack of washing/nappy changing facilities. If the director brushes you off then I would be going straight to the regulatory authority. The authority for Victoria can be contacted below:

GPO Box 4367
Website: ... regulation
1300 307 415
(03) 9651 3586

Good luck and don't get discouraged from doing the right thing, if it feels wrong then it probably is and certainly from what you describe this centre is breaching a number of regulations and should be dealt with immediately.

Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:59 pm
by JNP
I think in situations like this you have the Early Childhood Code of Ethics to back you up. The Code of Ethics states that:
In relation to children, I will:
Act in the best interests of all children.
Create and maintain safe, healthy environments, spaces and places, which enhance children's learning, development, engagement, initiative, self-worth, dignity and show respect for their contributions.
Obviously this centre is not complying to the COE so I believe you have a responsibility to the children to do something about it. I would not like to leave my child at a centre like that...
Speak up, be brave, someone has to stand up for the children.
Good luck, let us know how you go!
Jules x

Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:41 am
by Lorina
I completely agree with Jules! Not only do you have the Code Of Ethics to back you up but I'm pretty sure you have the regulations and law on your side. Especially the regulations on "operations" which states how the physical environment has to be set up in regards to nappy change areas, toilets etc.

There are so many pathetic centres that are being run (that is just from topics on this site), maybe they should be named and shamed!!! Although I'm sure we would have a legal battle on our hands! :giggle:

Like the rest of the replies suggest, the centre should be reported...


Re: Should I complain??

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:08 pm
by rocky
Thank you ALL for ur support.Yes I have rang the human resource of Goodstart.....she said to me that I need ring the director of the center and give her a chance to fix things as we don't want to to get into trouble. So I rang the answer. Then I emailed the director as well as the area manger.The center director gave me many "excuses" about their nasty practices...then she thanked me for my feedback. The area manager said to me that she has received my email and they are working with it..... Hopefully that center for children improves. I feel sorry for them they deserve a lot better.

Again, thank you all.