Aussie Childcare Network Forum • using Colouring templates in kindergarten
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using Colouring templates in kindergarten

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:48 pm
by JNP
Hi L.A,
I really respect your thought and ideas. I was wondering what you think about colouring templates for kinder children. I have read comments from other people on the site but have noticed that you did not comment.
I was thinking of downloading a picture of the Australian Flag for the children to colour and cut out.
What do you think, is this acceptable in this day and age? I think as long as you provide plain paper along with the templates it is acceptable. I am a kindergarten assistant and the teacher that I work with has told me that under no circumstances are templates allowed in our program.
I was just interested in your thoughts on the matter.


Re: using templates in kindergarten

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:45 am
by Lorina
Thanks Jules!

Throughout my time in EC I've also noticed that some educators are completely against using colouring templates. Honestly I don't see a big deal in using them. I understand that some educators believe that colouring inhibits a child's creativity however I don't believe that too be entirely true! If you ask a 4 year old for example to draw the Australian flag this would be a big task for them to complete and I'm sure many will hesitate to do so or be reluctant to join in this creative experience. Given them the option of drawing and colouring will enable a child to choose what they are more comfortable with. Some children prefer to draw and others will prefer to colour. Colouring is also being creative as a child learns to choose appropriate colors and designs within the picture. In regards to the EYLF we should be giving children an option for them to choose based on their interests... If we are only providing drawing this isn't the child's choice... If a child prefers to colour rather than draw then we should make that option available to them!

So to colour or not to colour? Like I said should be the child's choice!


Re: using Colouring templates in kindergarten

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:48 am
by JNP
Thanks L.A
Great advice, as ususal..

Regards Jules.