Aussie Childcare Network Forum • introducing Olympics
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introducing Olympics

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:26 pm
by Rosie123

I think I am slowly getting my head around the EYLF. Been doing heaps of reading, Now my question is are you going to introduce the Olympics? I am wondering how to introduce it. What angle to take.
and see if it inspires interest or not. I dont want to force it on them if they are not interested in it.
Are there any books that may introduce an avenue to take. I know I need to address where this learning will take the children and purpose of it.

Any suggestions would be great


Re: introducing Olympics

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:10 pm
by cathiek
What about setting up a display about the Olympics and taking the childrens questions from there Rosie?
Olympics will very soon be a daily topical area of interest at pretty much everyone's homes so I think you will find there is a lot of interest. Even if they are not into sport they may like to know about the torch/rings/mascots/medals/London etc. There is a real friendship & sportmanship angle you could use too. I am setting up a bulletin board with the rings, torch, mascot & pics of the different sports and seeing what ??'s will come from that (I am on hols at the moment and will be back the day the olympics starts) Me and my kids had a little chat about it before hols, I just asked who knows what the olympics was, and found I had some very knowledgeable 4 year olds!
I think it will be fun and informative for them.