Aussie Childcare Network Forum • ADHD Child in Classroom
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ADHD Child in Classroom

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:56 pm
by phoebG13
I'm a new classroom teacher and there is this one pupil who is 6 years old. He's an ADHD kid. He's always looking for a trouble. Every time I started my lesson he even doing movements, It can distract the other kids and I can say also that he is difficult in keeping focus during activity or homework. I know it is a disorder sign but can you give me some tips or suggestions on how can I improve the behavior of an ADHD child in the classroom as his teacher?

Re: ADHD Child in Classroom

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:05 pm
by Lorina
I think the first step will be for you is to understand what ADHD is. Once you gain an understanding of ADHD then you'll be able to manage it efficiently and effectively.

Here is some information on ADHD:

ADHD In Children

As for managing his behaviour in the classroom, here are some strategies:

Managing ADHD

Teaching Children With ADHD

Hope this will get you started!
