Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Addition for Kids
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Addition for Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:49 pm
by star-little
Addition is a basic math skills that every child needs to learn. Kids should have a solid grasp what a number is and what it represents before beginning the process of addition.

How to teach your kids addition?

Teach one-to-one correspondence. This is the idea that one object stands for the number one. For example, if you have five pennies, each penny is one, and you count up as you point to each one: one–two–three–four–five. Once children understand this, they will be able to add two groups of objects.

Teach sums concept. One plus four, three plus two and five plus zero are all was to make the sum of five.

Introduce symbols, story problems, vocabulary and addition concepts.


Re: Addition for Kids

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 7:09 pm
by Nandy84

Generally, children are ready to do addition by age 5 but it may vary as every child is different ad unique. Working with your child at home and practicing math facts can help you to know when they are ready to move from counting to learning addition facts.

So, to explain the concept of addition we can say that taking two or more numbers and adding them together, that is, it is the total sum of 2 or more numbers. Example: How many melons are there in all? There are 7 melons in one basket and 4 melons in the other.

Introduce terms such as "all together, "put together," "how many in all," "total," and "sum" that commonly indicate a child will need to add two or more numbers. Use "fact families" to help children understand number relationships.

Instead of going with all the facts follow step by step rules.

1st step: Instead of overwhelming your child with all of the addition facts at once, first break the facts into smaller groups.
2nd step: Visualize and strategize.
3rd step: Practice those facts until they're mastered.
4th Step: Mix those facts with other facts.

For ready and easy reference, go through the video once

Hope this will help!

Happy teaching!

