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What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:30 pm
by teresamc
We had a couple of rainy days here so we were mostly paying inside. I had some little tents set up as there had been an interest in camping but there was also some "hospital" play going on. Some of the children suggested that I might like a rest in one of the tents and then it was decided that they would "operate" on me. It was an operation to put in grommets just like one of my little girls had had done last week.
This was all going along nicely and all seemed quite logical until another little girl told me that when I came out of the operation I would have nice short hair and it would be a different colour!
I wonder what they need to do to get her hair cut?

Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:49 pm
by cathiek
Aren't they just gorgeous

I had a child ask me to get out the see-saw during outside play. I asked her what the magic word was and her reply was NOW!!!
I was hoping for a please but obviously now works for her. It was so adorable though that I had to laugh.
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:31 pm
by LindyT
Conversation overheard between a 4yo and a 3 year old at play group
Mr 4: You need to say please
Miss 3: Why??
Mr 4: Because.
Miss 3: Why??
Mr 4: It makes THEM (Pointing to the adults) stop talking to you!
Seriously made me laugh and reevaluate the fact that we demand apologies rather than them being offered genuinely.
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:46 am
by Lorina
Great topic that has been started here..
I really have enjoyed reading the comments that you have all overheard or conversations you have had with your group of children... Definitely puts a smile on my face and makes me realize how pure and innocent children are! LOL... Here is what I overheard this week which really made me laugh.
Two of my 3 year olds were playing in the sandpit. At the moment we have had a few pregnant mums so we have been focusing alot on being a big brother or a big sister etc... Anyway, one of the girls put sand in her dress and folded it over to make it look like a big belly and this is what happened:
Girl 1) Hey looks like you have a baby in your tummy
Girl 2) No, not a baby, I don't have a baby in my tummy they are boobies like mummy
Girl 1) My mummy has boobies too (she began to also fill up her dress with sand and fold it over)
Girl 2) Look we have boobies like mummy now!
It was the funniest thing ever!! Brightened up my afternoon that's for sure! LOL!!!
Keep these coming as I would love to read more!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:04 pm
by Lorina
I was just about to start cooking dinner when I just had a thought about the conversation I had at work today which made me laugh... Thought I'd share it with you!
A girl from the preschool room booked in as a casual booking because she goes to a different centre.This is the conversation we had...
Me: Why aren't you at your other school?
Girl: It's closed for holidays.
Me: What is your school called?
Girl: It's a Montessori preschool.
Me: What do you do there?
Girl: I do lots of work! I don't play there like here just lots of work!!
It was so funny, how serious she was when she told me that! I couldn't help but laugh...

Alright I'm off to start dinner!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:58 pm
by teresamc
Isn't it interesting to hear her view of Montessori? I think that would have been an interesting conversation to continue with LA
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:01 pm
by LindyT
Funny you mention that L.A my Montessori child says the same thing.
Food for thought.
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:40 pm
by teresamc
I can finally add to this topic again now that I'm in week 3 of my new job!
I did the coloured rice sensory tub this week and the children just adored it. However in the excitement one of the little boys poured some rice over the hair of one of the girls which wouldn't normally be a problem but it was a little girl who wore her hair in cornrows. Between my assistant and I and a lunch float we got most of it out but it was hard work!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:38 pm
by cathiek
Love that rice!!! This week I have a new child and at the end of the day he said - Mrs Kemp it must be time to go - the humans are here. He meant some parents were outside waiting to pick up but i loved the way he said it - so much better.

Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:26 pm
by Sharon82
A mum shared the follow and I couldn't stop laughing
The 3 yr old had been learning about the body and that night was in the shower with mum. She was looking at her tummy with a very puzzled look on her face. Finally mum asked what was wrong and got the following answer
'why do you have a brain in you tummy'
She was looking at her mums stretch marks

Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:10 pm
by Lorina
I'm currently toilet training my toddlers... One of the girls needed to go to the toilet and was having trouble pulling down her pants...she looked up at me and said:
"can you help me please I have a wedgie in my bottom"
All I could do was laugh...even though I ended having a coughing fit due to my flu...LoL...
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:43 pm
by Macoola
When I did work placement at a prescool one little boy while I was playing with him outside asked me:
Boy:"Have you met Leon?"
Me: "No not yet" (assuming it was another child at the centre)
Boy: "He is in my Mummy's tummy" He replied
It was so funny as he asked if I had met him yet, later that afternoon his Mum arrived and the boy grabbed my hand and took me over to his Mum: "This is Leon" He said pointing to his Mums pregnant tummy!
It was very cute:)
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:47 pm
by dulciean
this is my very most favorite thread -must remember to add some stories here myself!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:54 pm
by Lorina
Just wanted to add another funny discussion that happened in my room the other day. I asked one of the little girls in my room if she wanted to finish coloring her dinosaur from this morning. To which she replied "Yes but I have to stand up because I have a poo in my nappy and it will get squashed if I sit on it".i was so surprised with her response and how she articulated it,it was very funny!!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:50 pm
by fchaudari76
One of my toddlers was talking about his baby sister and said "she has milk out of mummies boobies" another little girl laughed and said "boobies" so I (being silly) said "do you have boobies" and she said "Yes, in my pants" HAHA that just totally cracked me up...she was so deadly serious about it too
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:50 pm
by cathiek
I was having a full on day last week & when I sat down with the kids at mat time, i must have let out a loud sigh. One of the boys told me I sounded just like Darth Vader - & do you know - i think he was probably right. Really brightened up my day & made me realise nothing gets past them....
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:37 am
by LindyT
Jack aged 5y and Jessie aged 4y playing with the Zoo and African animals.
The subject turned to how the animals were going to keep in touch with each other once they left the Zoo.
Jessie: How will they call each other?
Jack: They can call them.
Jessie: How??
Jack: wellllll they can Skype can’t they??
It was so hard to keep a straight face!!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:27 pm
by LindyT
After morning tea Scarlett was having trouble opening the fridge and asked me for help. I was clearing the table so she asked Tom
"Tom can you please come help me?"
Tom replied "Of course Scarlett I can help you what do you wan me to do "
Scarlett "Please open the Fridge for me"
"Sure Scarlett!"
These 2 are almost 4 years old
What lovely individuals these children are growing into
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:17 pm
by little yellow
I'm currently in the process of toilet training Queen S (2y.o)
Today I say ok it's time to go to the toilet....Queen S is on her phone talking to someone she says "not now Jo, later I am on the phone...sorry!" I say
"thats ok, please tell your friend that it's time for you to go as it toilet time."
QS: "sorry, have to go Jo says, yep yep yep ha ha ha see you soon!"
I thank Queen S for finishing up her phone call for me and that we will call them back when we have washed our hands.
Queen S starts heading in to the toilet with the phone, I ask can I hold it for her because we don't want to take her phone into the toilet.
QS: "hang on jo it's ringing" (answers phone) in an annoyed tone "ugh mum i am busy! need to do poo, talk to jo bye!" (rolls her eyes and hands me phone!) hahahahaha haven't laughed so hard in forever! this little one is a real classic!
Re: What made you laugh this week?
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:10 pm
by Lorina
Today one of the little girls in my room was upset when her grandpa dropped her off... I gave her a cuddle and brought her into the office with me while I was doing some come computer work.. I gave her a puzzle to do and we began talking.
Me: so mummy told me you moved into a new room with a big bed
Girl: yes, my dear that's right my dear, getting ready for the baby dear!
Lol! I definitely wasn't expecting that from her! I began laughing and then she began laughing:
Girl: I know I'm funny dear!
Spoke to her grandad this afternoon and he blushed saying that he often calls her "my dear"..
Very sweet!!