Taking support to a meeting with the boss
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:33 pm
My daughter works in after school care. The provider recently lost the tender for one of their centres, so a number of staff will lose their jobs. My daughter went permanent during last year, so we don't know what her situation will be. But she has a meeting with the boss tomorrow, and has asked me to attend as her support. Can I ask, what I am able to do at the meeting? Should my daughter be able to consult me during the meeting for advice? Does the award have any rulings on the role of the support person? Can I take notes? Incidentally, there was an incident with one of the children recently, witnessed by my daughter. She will have to go to court as the educator who was privy to the child's confession. So she is wondering how the provider can support her in court if she is let go from her position.