Aussie Childcare Network Forum • LDC and OSHC sharing Kinder room
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LDC and OSHC sharing Kinder room

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:34 am
by MissAmy
Hi all,

I am the 'Schoolies' educator for next year (and was for part of this year as well), I am the only Educator with up to 12 children. We do not have a purpose built room or space for the children so we just share the Kindergarten room of an afternoon upon returning from school. Their room is completely set up for the Kinder-program by their ECT with no extra storage space. I'm just wondering if other Educators have this as well and how they go about setting up the environment to cater for differing age groups.
I don't always get time before pick up to set up or prepare activities and the 'schoolie' cupboards (where our age-appropriate activities are stored) are separate from the room, down the hallway. This can cause difficulties if children decide during the afternoon they want something from there as I either have to take all the children with me, or interrupt other staff to supervise for me while I get the activity.
Just after ideas, or ways to work around this, or even just someone else who has a similar problem!

Thank you,

Re: LDC and OSHC sharing Kinder room

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:30 pm
by Lorina
It'a a little tough since you have to share the room and you don't have access to the storage room. The only way is to probably go into the centre 15 minutes early so you can "set up" and get the activities prepared and organised before the children arrive. Or since you have 12 children, as part of the afternoon meeting - if you hold one, you can take the children as a group to the store room for them to choose and help set up the experiences for the afternoon. The only thing is that this takes time and children will be stuck getting things ready, rather than relaxing and enjoying some time with activities before going home...

Are you implementing a weekly program for OSHC?

If possible for the activities you need during the week, to put it in a cupboard within the LDC room or keep it in an area within room so you can easily access it? Maybe you could meet with the ECT so you can ask her if she can allocate some space for you to make it easier...


Re: LDC and OSHC sharing Kinder room

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:01 am
by MissAmy
I probably should have mentioned also that I don't work split shifts. I float during the day, so I am doing stuff (lunchs, programming etc) up until it is time to collect the children from school so this is also difficult. If I get programming time before pick-up, I sometimes have to sacrifice that time to order to prepare activities, which then leaves me behind in my programming.
I have a loose weekly program, very flexible as what interests them one day/week, wont interest them the next. Especially depending on who is attending that afternoon, as it changes the dynamics. I usually only plan 1 or 2 things and have a whole section in the planning for "children's activities" where I write what they actually did that afternoon, if it different to the planned activity.

The ECT will be organising the room over the holidays for the new year, I will discuss with her and see if she has any ideas on what we could do.