Aussie Childcare Network Forum • how to work, show initiative and work well as a team??
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how to work, show initiative and work well as a team??

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:58 am
by clover
how to work initial and work well as a team??
I am new to a workplace, on the 4th day my room leader told me i am not working initative, however i know i am not that kind of person i just dont know wat to do in the room . and room leader also point out i am not act like her colleage but a student. so i come up a question how i can work well in the team?? plz help me~

Re: how to work initial and work well as a team??

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:05 pm
by cathiek
My best suggestion is 'don't hang back'. If you see something needs doing, do it. If you see a child that needs comforting - comfort them. If a child is unsure of how to do something, offer them assistance. If it is lunchtime and all other workers are rushed off their feet, can you hand out the drinks, or start cleaning up or help children with their food. Don't wait to be asked to do something - either offer or just ask, what would you like me to do. If you are really not sure what needs doing, ask for some time to chat to the room leader and see what normally happens in a day and what sort of things are required. Keep a list of these things so you know what is required when (for instance; if you know all chn need sunscreen before going outside- start doing it at the normal time)
Don't be scared - it is the best thing you can do. Once you start just helping out as much as you can you will find yourself feeling much more comfortable and your co-workers will know they can rely on you to get things done.
Hope this helps

Re: how to work, show initiative and work well as a team??

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:45 am
by Lorina
Hi There,

Just like to add onto Cathie k’s comments. When working as an assistant you’re there to offer support to the room leader. At times you will be stuck with the same tasks over and over again but once you get into a routine, you will feel more confident about what you are doing and you will be given more opportunities to take on more responsibilities such as running group times, helping with the programming, doing observations etc. Like Cathie K mentioned don’t wait to be told what to do. Look around you and see what needs to be done, there is always something that needs doing. Most days in childcare the routine is fairly the same so you can figure out pretty much at what time something needs to be done. If not, you can write up a routine with times so you know what basically goes on through the day.

Don’t stress too much over it, I’m sure in a couple of weeks you should be fine… Have you noticed any improvement?
