Aussie Childcare Network Forum • First time to work in Babies Room
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First time to work in Babies Room

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:43 pm
by trixstubbs
Hi All,

I just want to know what I should do when I work in the babies room. I'm just a casual employee but I don't have extensive experience in this age group. I know how to change nappies and cuddling is not a problem. However, I want to know what activities to do with them, how I can send them to sleep, how to effectively feed them and how to stop them from crying.

I have been researching but I also want to gain some input from real childcare workers.

Thank you :)

Re: First time to work in Babies Room

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:38 am
by Lorina
While working in the babies room, more than "play" you need to be attentive to their cues and body language. Since they cant verbally communicate they will cry, babble, use body language to let you know what they want. In regards to activities, singing songs, using finger puppets, reading stories, rolling balls, holding soft toys etc. these are some of the different types of activities a baby will like. Remember they put everything in their mouth so if you notice a baby putting something in their mouth, you will need to collect it and disinfect it. You can ask if they have a toy bin where they collect toys during the day to disinfect in the afternoon. Also, you can have a look at the program to see what types of experiences they babies will be involved in during the day... Most of the time it is involved around, feeding, eating and sleeping...

For sleeping you can play some soft soothing music in the room. As you sit with them, you can gently pat a child on the back or rub their back to help relax them and get them to sleep.

During feeding time, you probably sill need to feed them so you will need to talk and sing to them as your feeding so they are interested and engaged which will get them to eat.

To stop a baby from crying first you need to check if there is something wrong... so check nappy, see if they need to sleep or f they are hungry or if they are hurt if it's not these then it could be that they are bored, need a cuddle or just want to be held. Using distraction usually works. Point to something in the room or on the wall and talk to the child about it... Also, when a baby is crying try not to get anxious or tensed because a baby can sense it. Remain calm and in control.. you'll be fine!

The more you work with the babies you'll begin to understand them better and it will get easier...

Hope this helps,


Re: First time to work in Babies Room

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:57 pm
by trixstubbs
Thanks a lot. I think my experience went okay. The hardest part for me was actually sending them to sleep. Also do you have any suggestions of what songs to sing to them? Thanks again

Re: First time to work in Babies Room

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:57 pm
by Wunniebee
Any soft songs they like, I tend to sing Disney songs in a soft tone like a lullaby, eventually they stop and listen to you.

Re: First time to work in Babies Room

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:26 pm
by Lorina
Wunniebee wrote:Any soft songs they like, I tend to sing Disney songs in a soft tone like a lullaby, eventually they stop and listen to you.
I agree, singing is very soothing! Even for those of us they don't have a singing talent at all! :giggle: When my bub was a baby I started singing "hush little baby" to put her to sleep. Now she is 2 and a half and still needs to hear her sleep time song of "hush little baby" when going to sleep. So, singing really has a soothing effect and trust me I cannot sing at all!


Re: First time to work in Babies Room

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:55 am
by Ewelina
Hello trixstubbs,
Children in all ages likes to do water play or sand, boobles, outdoor play, circle time as story time, songs or Flashcards.
If you want to send them to sleep try to massage baby's back or gentle rub baby's head it may help.
Good luck,