Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Family input
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Family input

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:50 pm
by Kathleen Shephard
Hello All!!
I am just wondering what ways are other centres and professionals asking families to have an input. At the centre I currently work at (LDC), we are always seeking family input however, parents are usually rushing in and out and have no time to contribute. We have tried a few different ideas and have observed that feedback is usually given from the same few families.
What do you do and how successful is it??
Thanks for reading, I'll appreciate any and all comments :)

Re: Family input

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:10 pm
by fchaudari76
In the past I have made templates for things to go in the children's portfolios e.g. what we did this weekend etc
Parents could take them home fill them put pics in etc and just hand them in and then we could put them in the portfolio

Re: Family input

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:13 pm
by cathiek
We have a noticeboard -What have you been up to" for parents to write on it the things they have been doing on weekends etc.
We also send out a parents have a say form to find out child interests, sports, family info etc.
I have heard lots of centres use a survey monkey which is apparently quite good but I haven't tried this as yet.

Re: Family input

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:03 am
by KatG73
I have used survey monkey in the past, I always felt that the parents don’t really respond well to it. Even if I emailed it or added it to Face Book, only a handful of parents usually respond. I also found with survey monkey that the overall layout and theme is too simple and it doesn’t really look that appealing I think. Its far too confusing for me and to add my centre logo I need to upgrade. One of the major factors is that you can’t link it to the EYLF and it’s not specifically designed for early childhood setting unless you obviously spend time doing it yourself. I find the new templates in this website to be more appealing and more relevant to what I need. I used some these templates last week. I have distributed the our weekend template and all about me template from here. Looking forward to see the response from parents. I will know this week. My educators love these new templates released here and hoping this may increase the parents response since we think it looks more appealing. Fingers crossed since it is hard to get parents to contribute.