Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Dealing With HR As A Director
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Dealing With HR As A Director

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:10 pm
by director5
Hi just wondering how other directors time manage. I seem to be spending far too much time on HR issues. Does anyone else find this?

Re: Dealing With HR As A Director

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:29 pm
by Lorina
Hi There,

As a director yes there are HR issues that need to be dealt with sometimes it's more than other times.

Are you working as an "off the floor Director"?

The beginning of the week always seems to be the busiest, getting back to emails over the weekend, contacting new enrolment enquiries, doing fees etc. You will find on some days that you wont be able to get out of the office at all. Even if this is the case try and spend some time in the afternoon with the children or visiting rooms. It will certainly up lift your spirits. Break up your day so in the morning try and complete emails, fees, new enquiries etc in the afternoon spend an hour or so in the rooms. This way you can talk to the educators about what they are doing and see how everything is going. You could also free up your time in the evening (before you go) to have educators and parents come and talk to you about any concerns etc.

It also makes a difference depending on the service and how big you are. Big centre more work and small centre less work...

You could also create a checklist for each day of routine tasks you complete to remind yourself what needs to be done and just prioritise the most important ones first...You just need to be able to work out your own routine and prioritise what's important


Re: Dealing With HR As A Director

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:30 pm
by panga38
A couple of strategies we have recently implemented that have helped are;
Prioritising tasks in terms of what is urgent, critical or information, you could develop a matrix that would help you priorities. Definitely a to do list every morning or evening before you sign off helps. You could also consider undertaking some professional development in in work load management, or create a work a load management tool with sections of tasks that underpin your day to day chores e.g, contact with parents, meetings, staff development etc.
hope this helps.