Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Climbing Frame Height Restrictions
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Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:31 am
by fchaudari76
Wondering if anyone can tell me what the height restrictions are on climbing frames in LDC.
Just worried that some of the frames being used in our 0-2 room are too high even though the GL says the children are capable + the surface they are on is on a slope and not 100% flat which also worries me.

Where does one find this kind of info??

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:13 pm
by Alisona
I've been trying to find similar information, specifically, the correct height for equipment placed on a grass surface. I can only find references to the Australian Standards and the relevant number, but nothing that spells out the correct height. I would love to know where to find this information.

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:56 am
by muttley
I found the answer below on yahoo answers. I hope it helps.

Falls are a major cause of injury in playgrounds. There are Australian Standards restricting the fall height of play equipment, that is the distance a child could fall from the equipment to the ground. The maximum fall height for any play equipment should be 2.5m (1m for 0-3 yrs and 1.5m for 3-5 yrs). Any play equipment with a fall height greater than 500mm must have a soft surface (soft fall material) under and around it to cushion the fall and prevent the risk of both head and other serious injuries.
Soft fall material is not just bark-chips you buy to put on your garden. Soft fall material is an impact absorbing material. Asphalt and concrete are not- they do not have any cushioning properties; grass should not be used because of its reduced ability to cushion a fall. Soft fall material can be a loose fill material such as pine bark and pine mulch, or solid materials such as mats, synthetic grass and wet pour rubber. Loose fill material needs to be maintained at a minimum depth of 250mm to retain the cushioning effect. Generally speaking, sand is not a recommended soft fall material due to the compaction of sand when it becomes wet. All soft fall material should be tested (critical fall height test) and the supplier should provide evidence that it has been tested.
Soft fall material should be placed under and around play equipment higher than 500mm and should cover the fall zone, that is the area under and around the play equipment in which a child is likely to fall, generally 1.9m for 0-6 years (in supervised care) and 2.5m for older children. Consider the ages of ALL children using your backyard before deciding what size safe fall zone to use

:lol: :clap: :D

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:22 am
by fchaudari76
I found that too

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:35 am
by LindyT
Have you looked on Kid Safe Queensland?

Our heights and under surfacing policies come from Kid safe NSW

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:37 am
by fchaudari76
I will have a look, thanks

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:42 pm
by Lorina
The Kidsafe website is your best bet. You will find all the information you need from there regarding keeping children safe. Here are the links:

Kids Safe QLD

Kids Safe NSW

Kids Safe WA

Kids Safe SA


Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:35 pm
by fchaudari76
that say 1500mm
however I think on a non level surface that is a tad high for under 2's

Re: Climbing Frame Height Restrictions

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:55 pm
by justme
Anything over 50cm should be placed on soft fall material.