Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Boosting workers morale
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Boosting workers morale

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:15 pm
by saz_123
I have just recently been stepped up to director because my director was just over everything at work. We have been through alot of problems at work and the girls are just feeling low and have lost motivation. We also have NQS coming up in the next few weeks....I was hoping someone would have some ideas to boost morale and team work. I need to do something to get these girls to want to improve and want to make their rooms the best they can be! Any ideas would help me so much!

Re: Boosting workers morale

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:36 am
by Lorina
Nice to hear you're trying to make things right. It's hard to get the team back on a high after they are feeling pretty crappy. It will be alright, it may take some time but after a month or so it will all work out.

I think you should talk to each staff member about what they are wanting. Their expectations, what they want changed etc. You should add these ideas onto a staff noticeboard and work out ways to accomplish them. For e.g. if one staff member wants new resources for their room etc, maybe you can organize a fundraiser.

For ideas on wanting to improve rooms I think you should provide the staff with examples or photos of ideas they can incorporate into the rooms. You may find that some of them already have some suggestions on improvements that can be made you just need to ask.

Just be supportive for the team and let them know you are trying to make changes for the better...

BTW - I tried to locate your duplicate post but I couldn't find it so I just left this topic the way it is. Just add the link of the second post and I'll delete it.
