Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Story book to explain family issues to young child
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Story book to explain family issues to young child

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:31 pm
by Steffelz
Im not totally sure if this is in the right category but here goes...
My sons Biological father left the scene on bad terms when my son was only 3 months old. There has never been any contact or maintainence paid etc.
My son knows my partner as his father and my partner thinks of my son as his own.
However, my partner and I feel that it is best that our son be raised knowing that my partner is his dad/father/real dad etc. but that someone else helped to make him, and that my partner loved him so much that he chose to be his dad.
(so that he doesnt get told when hes older and feel like hes been lied to, and doesnt end up with more issues than necessary ).
My son is nearly four so we think its about the right time to introduce the topic in a way that he can understand.
The idea we had is through a story book that explains it at his level. (Ive seen one book about a little boy with two dads who are both involved in his life etc. that book doesn't fit the situation but you get the general idea)
I was wondering if anybody knows of where I can find a book like this, or of any other resources I could use.
Id be really grateful,
Thanks guys :)

Re: Story book to explain family issues to young child

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:11 pm
by catchmeifucan
Hi Steffelz, I think it is good to be honest and to tell your child about this now itself rather than leaving it for too late although its a very tough subject to explain. Especially for younger ones. I wonder if a 4 year old would understand it though. Unless you want to wait till he gets to around 6 yrs or so when they can understand things better. I had a look for a few story books on this and these are the one's I've found so far. These story books are for explaining step dads to children and not sure if these stories also helps out kids whos biological father is out of the picture. You can have a look:

1) Mommy, What's a Step Dad? ... 1412083052

2) Dad and Pop ... pd_sim_b_1

3) Stepdaddy! ... d_sim_b_10

Re: Story book to explain family issues to young child

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:38 pm
by Steffelz
thanks heaps :) Im thinking of trying to "Make" a book myself also

Re: Story book to explain family issues to young child

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:08 am
by Dogsarecool
Family issues seem to come in all different forms. I saw a really cute picture book on the Amazon kindle the other day explaining how a family
went to pick out a new dog. Of course the cat they already had didn't like the new addition to the family.
All kids at one time or another want a dog. It's funny how they promise to take the dog out when he or she needs to go for a walk. But quite often you end up being the one who does the job. I'll let you in on a little secret. I was so excited when we got our first dog. He has
brought so much joy to our family.(lol) Leo and ginger I think was the name of the book.

Re: Story book to explain family issues to young child

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:42 am
by Kaz
I wish there was more books out there for kids, I have come across a few in my time, but many are in the "good ways" as I call them where the mum or dad are still in the childs life. So I have given up looking for books and just talked openly to my children about the father that we haven't seen in many yrs. I tell them that I'm sure their dad loves them in his own way but sometimes adults can't show love to others like they can , then explain how the hug me and other ppl to show love or even telling them, That their was a nice man when I ment him and that we did love each other b/c that is why we had them, But I mummy do not love him and he doesn't love me.. They seem to understand this and it doesn't bring anymore than they need ot at this age, They will now tell others our dad lives in another house we don't see him but he loves us in his own way... Good luck with telling your son and your doing the right thing :)