Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Pain During First Trimester
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Pain During First Trimester

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:58 pm
by bharatverma
Hi i am pregnant since 3 months and i have lots of pain so plz anyone suggest me that what i do?

Re: Pain During First Trimester

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:09 am
by Lorina
First off "Congratulations" the next 9 months is a long journey ahead while you wait for the arrival of your little one...when you're feeling great time just goes fast but when you're having trouble time seems to stand still. So the 9 months can be a long and short process depending on how pregnancy affects you...

You mentioned you are having pain. What type if pain and where? Is it your back? Your stomach? Do you have cramps? Are your breasts sore?

Back pain and cramps can be common during the first trimester. Your baby is growing and your body begins to change to position the growing baby inside of you. When you go for a check up mention this and they will give you an ultrasound to make sure that the pain is not because of something else. It's best to talk to your doctor about any sort of pain so you can get it checked. You need to really look after yourself and make sure the baby is ok as well. Also the first 3 months are the most critical where the baby is very fragile so please any concerns talk to your doctor.

I had a few complications during my pregnancy so I also had to deal with pain,

Everything will be alright,
