Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Science Activity: Investigating Freezing/Defrosting
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Science Activity: Investigating Freezing/Defrosting

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:05 pm
by tracy_75*
I did this activity on my prac placement last year. The children investigated ways of making the ice melt, what made the ice melt faster, global warming and the process of how water turns into ice and back again (freezing/defrosting).

Freeze ice in small and large tubs

Freeze Plastic Animals/natural resources etc in the ice (for the purposes of this activity i froze plastic marine animals).

the children love it. I have also been told that it is interesting to add drops of food colouring into the water before freezing :)

Re: Science Activity

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:54 pm
by Lorina
Great experiment for the children to engage in during the hot weather and to extend their understanding of water turning into ice etc... :thumbup:

I've also tried this experience with the food colouring like you suggested. When you add different colours to the water and then freeze it, the ice turns all multicolored. When the children begin to play with it and the ice melts, it's like a rainbow... However it can get a bit messy. I've also used this coloured ice technique as an art and craft activity using white square pieces of material. Each child selects different coloured pieces of ice to paint with and as it melts the colours soak through onto the material... Looks very effective!

Thanks so much for sharing!
