Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Quiet Activity - Sensory Bags
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Quiet Activity - Sensory Bags

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:05 pm
by Madeline.m
Hello everyone!

I work as an assistant in a nursery, (6wks to 2yrs)
I would love to make my children some sensory bags, perhaps for a quiet activity during rest and quiet time.
Can you recommend what you used for the bags?
I don't think vacuum bags would work as the liquid will be sucked out and glad wrap sandwich bags aren't thick....
Any suggestions will be truly grateful!

Thanks :)

Re: Sensory Bags

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:06 pm
by cathiek
I double bag mine - smaller ziploc inside a larger ziplock and also duct tape along the seal.

What about some empty water bottles with rice and different things inside (beads etc) Chn can shake them, enjoy the noise and also looking for things in them.
You could theme them - a sea one with small plastic sea creatures etc. After you have done - hot glue gun the lids and duct tape them.
I work with 3-4 year olds and I have a sheet where they mark off what they find in them. they love them

Re: Sensory Bags

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:27 pm
by lumamelzemm
how about using hair gel instead of paint,in a ziped bags
felt board pieces
shaving cream on the table add adrop of colour

Re: Sensory Bags

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:39 am
by Lorina
Like the other users have mentioned I've also used ziplock bags (doubled) and rescaled them with thick sticky tape, glue and stapled. They were pretty hard to open in the end so I had to cut You could also try freezer bags that are much thicker than sandwich bags and you can also seal them using duct tape (there are different colours available).

Inside the sensory bags you can include:

- rice
- cooked noodles
- paint for colour mixing
- cereal
- bird seeds

The possibilities are endless!
