Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Diploma and Advanced Diploma
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Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:00 pm
by dulciean
Hello All
Well, I am due to commence work at a new Centre soon ( in the infants/ babies' room ) . However, I have been doing casual work at various other centres to pay the bills, and last Friday I slipped on some spilled water/mushy broccoli, fell backwards and dislocated my shoulder. BIG OUCH!!! am not sure now of my healing/physio time....
Anyhow, my question is actually about my decision to persue studying my Diploma via Cenage Education ( on-line and very costly!! ) as I am tired of missing out on coveted TAFE places. Has anyone here studied with this Group, and was your experience positive? Also, I am curious to know about the " Advanced Diploma" I keep hearing of, Is this a superior qualification-and closer to a Bachelor level? Does it vary state to state? Am interested to get some feedback. I really enjoy all the support and info on here, what a great bunch us Early Childhood Educators are! ;) TTFN from Sarah

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:10 pm
by fchaudari76
Why are you pursing you Diploma through Cenage?

Many TAFE Diplomas can be done via correspondence and would be cheaper due to Govt funding schemes... at least in QLD they can. They have DIplomas for existing and non-existing workers.

I have done my Cert III through TAFE distance and I am currently doing my DIploma distance learning as well .... I also plan to do my Adv.Diploma the same way.

As for the Adv.Diploma
This qualification covers children's services workers who may operate at an advanced level in early childhood education and care to provide specialist services, act as a resource for other workers, provide practice supervision of staff including volunteers, work intensively with clients and work with clients with complex needs.

If you complete your Adv.Diploma most universities will give you 1.5yrs credit towards a B.Ed Early Childhood

However if you do not ever really plan to manage a centre I don't think its much use... you may as well just do your Diploma & go straight into a degree program, you would still get a years credit

Hope this helps...obviously my info is for QLD I do not know about NSW but google & find out :D

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:39 am
by dulciean
hi fefe
thank you for taking the time to reply! I have looked at the TAFE correspondence system here in NSW , unfortunately the funding is only available for citizens of Australia- I was born in NZ and have lived here since 1979 but am classed as a permanent resident. Due to complications with my I.D I am experiencing a delay in the formal citizenship process and in my impatience I am considering just jumping in via the Cenage route! It seems the TAFE Diploma system is far better supported in both QLD and VIC. wish NSW would catch up! Thank you also for the info on the Advanced Diploma. I am heading more towards the ECT path at Uni, so will weigh that decision when it arises. Thankyou again-Sarah : )

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:30 pm
by fchaudari76
wow did not realise that you had to be a citizen! I only have my PR but still pay subsidised fees... gosh thats not very good ... would TAFE still not be cheaper than Cenage? I do not know much about them TBH
...if you do get your citizenship while doing your Diploma you can swap to TAFE and RPL units you have done already i.e. if cenage do a unit by unit cost
Well good luck

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:01 pm
by kessie
I did Cert III with Cengage. They weren't too bad, and compared to Tafe assignments (which I started with) I found them much easier to understand. They have a forum which is helpful, similar to this one which I used alot as it was hard to get hold of a tutor. I have heard people say to do your study through Tafe as compnaies prefer this as it is recognized but I have found that no one at any interview has every asked where I studied. Hope this helps.

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:14 pm
by Lorina
Hi Dulciean,

I completed my Diploma of Children's Services through Cengage (although at that time it was know as Thomson Education). I never had any issues with them and I found them very professional. Back in the day when I did my diploma, they would send me a book for each module containing my assignments which I had to complete, practical assessments and the book had a lot of information in regards to the module I was doing. It was extremely helpful and provides a lot of useful information, samples, text, Resources in order to give me a better understanding to complete my assignments. It has also severed as a GREAT RESOURCE even until today!

Since you will be completing your Diploma by correspondence you will be able to easily email your assignments back to your tutor. They are normally very helpful and give great feedback with your assignments detailing what you can add or if they liked what you wrote. Normally you have the same tutor throughout the course so they begin know your writing styles etc. Cengage also provided me with a monthly payment plan... although I had to pay the entire course fee until they released my Diploma.

Overall I had a great experience with them... but it doesn't come cheaply... it's rather expensive... I paid $4000 for my Diploma of Children's Services (not sure what the fees are like now)!

I just thought I'd share my experience with you that I had at that time.. I have no clue about how it is now and whether or not they are still as professional as they were back then.

Cheers :geek:,

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:38 am
by dulciean
Hi L.A
Thank you for the insight into Cenage as a training provider. Well after much deliberation I have taken the plunge and enrolled with them- guess time will tell how it pans out! They are affiliated with the International Childcare college, founded by Kearnes. The costs these days are around $53 dollars per week, or about $2300 dollars all up. I am very excited to Finally be furthering my Early Childhood studies...guess it's always easier studying when your passionate about the subject! Thanks again for the support/feedback :)

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:41 am
by dulciean
whoops-Thank you Kessie also for helping my decision making process! muchly appreciated , so good to get 'inside info' ! :D

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:22 pm
by dulciean
just a note- I didn't end up committing to the Cenage route as I have researched and see there are lots and lots of options out there.... still in thinking mode ATM !

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:35 pm
by fchaudari76
I think TAFE is the best bet, even if there is no Govt funding scheme in your state I am sure it will be cheaper than other private institutions.
TAFE is not that bad really, I have not found any major hurdles with TAFE, yes you do need to hound 'em a bit if you need some help with assignments but apart from that they are pretty good

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:46 pm
by dulciean
I think you're right fefe.. I certainly have no negativity towards TAFE. was thinking outside the box as the places available for Diploma level study are very limited/highly sought after ,am getting impatient so thus entertaining the Private sector of training providers. Maybe I should move to QLD- after much reading it seems the system is much better supported there! ;)

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:43 pm
by fchaudari76
I know that if you do it correspondance their is no limit for available places as its rolling enrollment... since u r not formally taking classes they have no limits with places... I have no issue doing my studies thru distance learning but I do not know how u feel about this... perhaps you prefer enrolling for proper study (classes etc) not distance

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:12 pm
by Sharlene J
Hi Dulciean,
I completed my cert 3 with Cengage last year and can't speak highly enough about them and their service...they are expensive though, I think it's about $4000 to do the Diploma last time I looked? There are many places that the government is funding that offer the Diploma for around $500, if not less. I was researching a lot of places but am lucky enough to be doing my Diploma as a traineeship. Have you found anywhere else to do your studies?

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:31 am
by fchaudari76
from what I saw during my research the av price for a Diploma thru a non-TAFE place was about $2000-2500 which is a fair amount of money.
I just do not think $2000 - $4000 is a justifiable amount of money no matter how good the institution or support.... however that is just me, I would def not spend that much on study that I can do for a fraction of that price through TAFE
I suppose if you were just to do your DIploma and leave it at that its ok but in my case I want to do my Adv Diploma as well so I just cannot afford to pay that amount.
Keep researching and try and find somewhere in your state as you will get discounts even with pvt institutions. I looked at one someone recommended that was based in VIC and they offered discounts to people from VIC

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:11 pm
by dulciean
Hello ! phew..I have been sooo busy these last 2 weeks in my new position. I ended up being placed in the toddlers roos ( 18mths to 30mths) and am currently the room leader. SO exhausting, exciting and rewarding! I thought 'what the hey..' and have now also enrolled to do my Diploma . Expect first course materials next week, have gone with a private trainer to get extra support and assistance. Am sure I will be asking lots of questions on here re Assignments! just sharing my news. :)

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:11 pm
by vickif23
I completed my Adv Dip last July. I did it through AIWT (Australian Institute of workplace training). From memory it cost about 1300 - 1500. It was well worth it.

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:22 am
by Lorina
Hi Dulciean,

WoW! You have been busy... Just wanted to share, I'm a room leader in the toddler room as well... My kids are from 2 years old to almost 3 and a half years old... ATM there have been a few changes so my assistant moved up to the preschool room and I'm working by myself with a maximum of 8 children per day... I know what you mean when you say it can be exhausting... there is no time to STOP (unless they're sleeping.. :lol: ) and they do keep you on your toes... LIke you, I also enjoy every minute of it (well most of the time) ;) !

Cheers :geek: ,

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:40 pm
by dulciean I finally did it and have enrolled with a private trainer to start studying towards my Diploma. yay! am oh so excited. I have been working at a new Centre the past 2 weeks, getting time in all Rooms. Looks like I might end up in the toddlers am pleased about that. I love watching them develop so quickly. Will surely be need ing input on assessments/study strategies as I go along. Am wondering just How I plan to balance a 38hr work week, parenting,running a house AND study...but where there's a will... :)

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:36 pm
by fchaudari76
Im sure u will manage :)
good luck

Re: Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:26 pm
by Mandy b
Hi just thought I would weigh in on the discussion,
I have been studying the Diploma through Tafe nsw ,and it is done via correspondence . Called flexible learning option and you apply through Wollongong campus, you have 2 online teaching sessions a week and great resources to work from. I am just going into stage 3 and have found it difficult at times but that is juggling 2 kids, 4 days a week work and a shift working husband . So it is achievable if your keen enough :)