Aussie Childcare Network Forum • confused about types of observation and learning story
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confused about types of observation and learning story

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:52 pm
by rosaaustin
I am studying Diploma (traineeship) and is half way through the course. I am very confused over the use of learning story in relation to observation. Well, I am doing CHCPR509A gather, interpret and use information about children. I know about common types of observation, but this book given to me was published in Feb 2010 and does not mention at all about learning story. I've got the rest of the cluster for the course and there is no other book that is about learning story. Well, I'm required to do alot of observations on a focus child, and the assignments ask me to use anecdotal, time samples, running records. My room leader said they hardly use these types anymore, but most of the times just learning stories.
I'm wondering if you are working in the field, what types of observations are you using, and how is learning stories related? Are you still using anecdotal and running record, etc, anymore? I am thinking I will use these types of observations for my assignment but will try to put in one or two learning stories (maybe with the assistance of my room leader), but I am afraid that without proper studying from a book, I may do it wrong. Or, would it be better that I stick to the requirements of the current book?
I am only working a few hours a day (5 days/w) but am thinking I probably go in earlier or stay back later for the observations. Because the hours I am doing is sleep time (lunch reliever). My understanding is that learning story is also a type of collecting information about children (means another type of observation?), but instead of just describing what is happening, it's more focused on the learning and development of the child through telling it like a story. Coming with it is some photos of the child/children doing the activity. Please correct me if I am wrong!
I am very confused and have been thinking about this for days. If someone can advise it'll be much appreciated!

Re: confused about types of observation and learning story

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:10 pm
by LindyT
Hi rosaaustin and welcome,

The following link might be helpful to you. ... -t977.html


Re: confused about types of observation and learning story

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:09 pm
by Keta1992
Hey, so i know theres heaps of confusion on this subject ill try and help to the best of my knowlege, your course your doing must still be teaching you the old manner so you must assing marking you on the old style, i personaly only use the learning story as my form of observation, its much easier to write easier flow and i think is more inviting to parents and more u derstandble for someone with a non-childcare background,try not to think of a learning story as something different to an observation but instead just a different style of writing or a diferent format, time samples are still a really good style to know and use when your sturgling to see a childs interest or if you are trying to work out what triggers a certen behaviour etc, the antidotal ob is still importent to know as can be useful for children with delays and special needs to really see what they are doing etc so what your learning is not completely useless, but while your studying and have the help and support of a room leader i would be using it! And practise writting a story of the childs learning casue thats what it is! :) hope that was helpful in some way..

Re: confused about types of observation and learning story

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:31 pm
by rosaaustin
Thank you for your replies. I have emailed my teacher but am still waiting for her reply. Basically I asked if I could still follow the book's requirements of taking observations using anecdotal, running records, time sampling, photos, etc but at the same time put in a few learning stories, which are not mentioned at all in the book, but I have done a lot of reading about, and my room leader has been showing me how to do them (I have done some for the children in the room as well).
I have read some in the book 'Frameworks for learning and development' (Karen Kearns) and everything I read pointed out that traditional observation methods are not effective ('...the practitioners undertake observations of these focus children, determinines interests and/or needs, sets goals and then plans experiences to be implemented at some time in the immediate future. This model of planning is both problematic and ineffective....' (page 77)
I feel like this is the time that I should be trained properly about the EYLF, instead I am studying the old book (CHCPR509A, published Feb/2010) that does not teach about EYLF. Even though I could try self-teach by asking my room leader and gathering info from the net,but I am really keen on doing it properly. But where should I go from here? Am I supposed to study the book that I was given or else?
Anyway, I guess am just thinking out loud. Still waiting for my teacher to get back to me!
Thanks again for your help

Re: confused about types of observation and learning story

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:36 pm
by pinkfox
Hi rosaaustin
I can understand your frustration, i too am currently halfway through my trainshipee on the diploma and am using the old books. It is annoying when you want to really be shown how to follow the framework correctly, write learning stories and link the outcomes. But i have just done implementing cooporitive behaviour and can begin to understand why it is important to still learn the methods of observation when trying to identify triggers for a child's challenging behaviour. Good luck with the rest of your assignments!
