Aussie Childcare Network Forum • childcare course through oten
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childcare course through oten

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:31 pm
by chetna
Hi... im living in perth and planning to do an online course in certificate 3 in children service....i called tafe NSW they asked me to get enrolled through seek learning. I would like to ask is it worth spending 2000$ on this course and do online course have same weightage while finding a job as full time course have?

Re: childcare course through oten

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:25 am
by Lorina
There are definitely advantages of doing an online course. It's all online which means it makes it easier and you can study and work at the same time as well as study at your own pace. As long as you got internet connection then it's a good way to complete your qualification. Like you found out, it does cost you... I think if you go to TAFE on site, it's cheaper than an online course hwoever this may take a full year to complete. With the online course you may be able to finish it in less than a year. You also have an option of doing a traineeship... Have you thought about that since you want to work and study at the same time...
