SS009 - Issues, Concepts and Beliefs For Differences
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:35 am
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: SS009
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Your Question?
SUGGEST the issues concepts and belieft that need to be discussed in order to address these different .
the educators in the preschool room have very differences practices
4yrs room
*routines a quite rigid and there is little flexibility
*all children are required to complete at least one art/craft experiences each day
*group work consists of large group story discussion and music
*During the meals children are required to finished their meal engaging in conversation
*time out is frequently used to undesirable behaviour
*the educators resolve all conflicts for the children
3-4 yrs room
*Routines are relaxed and flexible
* children are able to chose from a wide range of experiences each day
*the educators dived the children into two small group for story and for interactive group work such as projects .science experiences gardening
*the children are provides with large group misic and movement each day\
*during meals children are encouraged to engage in quite conversation
*The educators work alongside the children to resolve conflicts as they arise
What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I am really confuse with question. any one can help for me
Description and Message:
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Your Question?
SUGGEST the issues concepts and belieft that need to be discussed in order to address these different .
the educators in the preschool room have very differences practices
4yrs room
*routines a quite rigid and there is little flexibility
*all children are required to complete at least one art/craft experiences each day
*group work consists of large group story discussion and music
*During the meals children are required to finished their meal engaging in conversation
*time out is frequently used to undesirable behaviour
*the educators resolve all conflicts for the children
3-4 yrs room
*Routines are relaxed and flexible
* children are able to chose from a wide range of experiences each day
*the educators dived the children into two small group for story and for interactive group work such as projects .science experiences gardening
*the children are provides with large group misic and movement each day\
*during meals children are encouraged to engage in quite conversation
*The educators work alongside the children to resolve conflicts as they arise
What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I am really confuse with question. any one can help for me
Description and Message: