Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Setup/Supervision for preschoolers (4-5years)
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Setup/Supervision for preschoolers (4-5years)

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:43 pm
by brookeamy
List the safety considerations that would need to be taken into account when supervising the children (consider children’s age and skills, space, equipment and restricting the number of children who might access the area at any one time).

1. Playing in sandpit - have sandpit play to be quite an open ended experiences and materials, educator to observe children occasionally ensuring sand is being used correctly (not being thrown etc)
2. Riding trikes outdoors - only have one child on a trike at once, ensure they are being rode on correctly – children are not to stand on them etc
3. Finger painting - to be completed on an easel outside on grass or concrete or can be setup inside on a table, educators to stand near the activity to ensure paint is being used correctly (no throwing of the paint on each other, or not painting the paper provided on the easel)
4. Outdoor obstacle course - ensure all obstacle pieces are placed in securely to avoid a child hurting themselves, ensure obstacle is not to high or to difficult, have 2 children maximum on obstacle course at one time, an educator is to be near at all times

Good start however, please also consider what could go wrong with each experience/equipment (in terms of behaviours children- use the age ranges as a guide) what would you typically expect to happen? What should you watch for?

Re: Setup/Supervision for preschoolers (4-5years)

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:04 pm
by Lorina
What could wrong:

1. Throwing sand, eating sand.

2. Riding them too fast, not sharing

3. Eating paint, putting paint all over themselves

4. Pushing, shoving etc.

Use these as a sample of things could go wrong and safety considerations you could implement....
