Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Tom - Brain Injury At Birth
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Scenario: Tom - Brain Injury At Birth

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:29 pm
by Nedu
hi all,

can any one give me a clue on how to go abot these ca scenario A
Part A Tom

Tom (4 yea5rs 2months) suffered a brain injury at bith. He has a developmental age of around 2 years. walks with an unsual gait and uses gestures and loud noises to communicate. Tom is not yet toilet trained and needs adult support with other self -help skills

Tom loves to play with wheel toys and enjoys any types of sensory experience, particularly finger painting, wet and sand water play.
Tom is new to the services and the preschool children have been curious about him, asking cara, the educator a range of questions
Why does he walk fuuny/
Wh can;t he talk?
Why does he make those noises?

question 3a
i Explain how you would respond to the children's questions to promote inclusive attitudes. What would you actually say?
Aswer - i would explaine to the children that Tom has disability that was why he talks, walk and make noises or

ii Explain why it is important to answer the children's questions as accurately as possible (given the children's age and level of understanding
Answe - It is important to anwser children question accurately any wrong anwser they get is what they would live with

iii How could the educator support the process of inclusion? No clues

Scenario B
Two children approach the educator and say can you take away Tom from the blocks cause he doesn't know how to build and he just knocks them down and we ara building a car park


i What issues should you consider before responding to this question?
ii How would you respond?
iii Wht is it inappropriate to insist that Tom be included in the block play?
Iv The educator, cara, reflects on the children's responses and interactions withy Tom. She decides to engage the children in a discusion on fairness. Describe how cara could introduce this discussion - how could she introduce the concept of fairness? how could she help children to to explore this cincept as a hands on experience?

PLease any cluses to the above question is highly welcome

Re: Scenario: Tom - Brain Injury At Birth

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:15 am
by Lorina