Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Stella & Roberto - Allergic To Eggs
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Scenario: Stella & Roberto - Allergic To Eggs

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:24 pm
by Puddlefish

Stella, Roberto's Has just arrived to tour the service. Stella is quiet and softley spoken, Roberto is with her. She understands English but is limited in her expressive language. Stella speaks Italian fluently.
Stella particularly wants to know how you might cater for Roberto's food needs as they have concerns that he may be allergic to eggs.

Q2. How would you respond to Stellas questions and concerns about Robertos health issues? How would you ensure these concerns are followed up in a promt and courteous way? What procedures/ Policies would you need to make her aware of in the event of an incident afffecting Roberto?

Each answer has to be between 50-100 words in length..

My answer so far

2. Listen Carefully to Stella, emphasise that the centre takes allergies very seriously, provide information and pamphlets in relation to allergies. Ask questions if necessary to clarify her concerns and discuss Policies and Procedures relating to incidents in the event of an allergic reaction such as Administration of First Aid and Medical Conditions Policies along with any forms that may need completing such as, Authorisation of Medication, Medical Management, Action and Risk Minimisation Plans. These need to be completed before Roberto starts, it may be necessary to have an interpreter present while going over these forms with Stella to ensure all concerns are understood clearly and addressed appropriately.

Opinions would be helpful?? Anything to leave out? anything to Add?
Been awhile since ive been able to study due to health and personal reasons so im a little rusty :(

Re: Scenario: Stella & Roberto - Allergic To Eggs

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:07 pm
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track with your response! You could also add Roberto on the Allergy Risk plan and make it available to the cook in the kitchen as well as Roberto's educators. You could also assure Stella that while Roberto's at the centre during meals alternative meal arrangements will be made to ensure Roberto isn't exposed to egg and minimise the use of egg during his days...

Hope this helps,
