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parent decling offers to be inloved in centre
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:18 pm
by bec83
what would you say to a parent who has declined all offers to be involved with the centre ? provide a brief explanation..... im really stuck on this i have the usual like time and life demands , lack of knowledge and what is expected of them in the centre... just dont know how to word it anybody out there that can help
Re: parent decling offers to be inloved in centre
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:40 am
by linsaa fdc
Hi Bec83,
Some parents are just happy that their children are happy and don't want to be involved. In that case as long as you can document what you have done and do to get the family involved is all you can do sometimes.
What I actually do sometimes when I really need their input is to ask them to allow 5-10 on pick up time one day that week and get their opinion or get them to fill out necessary paperwork while they are there. This works as they are prepared to stay a bit and when I hand them a pen a paper they will always fill it in.
Maybe the family doesn't feel like they have anything special to offer, when you talk to them you can say it doesn't need to be anything special they could just come and participate in story time or art and craft time.They might think they need an interesting career to talk about or be really good in an area. If all that doesn't work maybe someone else in the family could become involved like a Grandparent who could possibly have more time on their hands.
Linsaa fdc