Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Need assistance for an interview
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Need assistance for an interview

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:03 pm
by tac power
Hey Everyone,

I need to write a few sentences on few questions for an interview. The age group I will be working with is four years.Just wondering if anyone could help me with this please as I wanted to write this properly.These are just few of them only.

My questions are;

1.What you know about Early Childhood Education in Australia in general.

2.A statement which expresses your values and beliefs about authentic learning in the context of Early Childhood Education.

3.What you know about five year olds in general given that each child is unique.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

Re: Need assistance for an interview

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:33 pm
by cathiek
Tac - generally you need to provide the answers you have so far so we can let you know if you are on the right track.

However for Q1, I would definitely talk about the implementation of EYLF and NQS across Aust.
Q2, well these are your beliefs but for me it would be something along the lines of ensuring that all learning opportunites relate to real life, ie: make it relevant for the kids, don't tell them a boring chalk and talk lesson about numbers, utilise in ways they will see in the real world, numbers on letterboxes, in shops, ages etc.
Q3, as each child is unique, it would be looking at them as individuals and learning about their strengths, interests etc an build on those.

Let us know what you have so far and maybe I can be of more help

Re: Need assistance for an interview

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:26 pm
by tac power
Hi Cathiek,

Question 1 ;still thinking

Question 2 ;Im thinking of "I belief that children learn best through play".

This is what I did for question 3.

I believe that every child is different and in his or her own way, for example, individual abilities, preferences, and personalities.
(including full of descriptions and tales with almost adult sentence structures). They want to know more about how the world works. Real –life experiences help them to understand "how" and "why" things happen. Generally, five-year old children learn through play and exploration with others. They can play simple games with rules. They like to run,jump,climb,balance on a beam and swing. Movement exploration encocourages children to find many different ways of doing things and problem solving in the physical world.

Re: Need assistance for an interview

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:00 am
by Lorina
Is this for an assignment question?

If so, please confirm whether it is for diploma or cert 3...

Pease make sure when asking assignment questions that you post the topic in the relevant forum... Only use the "Assignment Support Forums" for these type of questions and remember to add your response using the Support Ticket feature. Please read these for more info:

1) Where to post what

2) How to create a New Topic in Student's Assignment Support Forum

3) Forum Rules for Assignment Questions

Thank you,