Aussie Childcare Network Forum • how to respond to children questions
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how to respond to children questions

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:06 pm
by fatima12
Tom (4 years) suffered a brain injury at birth. He has a developmental age of around 2 years, walks with an unusual gait and uses gestures and loud noises to communicate. Tom is not yet toilet trained and needs adult support with other self-help skills.
Tom loves to play with wheel toys and enjoys any types of sensory experience, particularly finger painting, wet sand and water play.
Tom is new to the service and the preschool. Children have been curious about him, asking Cara, the educator, a range of questions:
• Why does he walk funny?
• Why can’t he talk?
• Why does he make those noises?

i. Explain how you would respond to the children’s questions to promote inclusive attitudes?

my answer :Tom doesn't walk funny. He just walks in a different way to you but he's still the same as you. Tom doesn’t talk much
my answer not completed yet, if anyone can help me please and tell what to say in this situation . thank you