Aussie Childcare Network Forum • HLTWHS003 : MAINTAIN WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY
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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:42 pm
by missy.kira
i need help with ~ please and thank you!! i have an idea of it, but im not confident that its right. if someone can tell me if i have the right idea or not? please do give me any suggestions!!
thank you!! :D
this is the question.
write a 1/2 page reflection on what you would like change to ensure accurate communication of whs information for future orientations.
this is my answer~

I would like to change on add more information on in regards to WHS is by providing pictures of manual handling techniques such as bending to pickup a child, lifting a child etc. provide survey to staff to see what they know and what they would like to practice and train staff with each other on manual handling. Providing signs/posters to proper disposal of infections waste handling needles and other sharp contaminated objects and occupational exposure. Maybe adding a brief summary of policies and procedures in the classroom that demonstrates the main concepts what staff should do. Ensuring staff that they are aware of how to fill out incident reports. Try practicing policy once a month to ensure that everyone knows what they are doing, providing online training if possible and lastly and changes to procedure a menu will be made for all the staff members.