Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Health and Safety Management
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Health and Safety Management

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:49 pm
by ezra

I am doing this unit of Health and safety management and sort of stuck into some of the questions of, WHAT ARE THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORD-KEEPING IN YOUR STATE OR TERRITORY?
I don't feel confident on my answers so if you could spare me a bit of your time to respond it would be greatly appreciated.
here are one of the question and my answers.

1. Medical information
answer: The details to be recorded are—
(a) the name of the child;
(b) the authorisation to administer medication (including, if applicable,
self-administration), signed by a parent or a person named in the child’s
enrollment record as authorised to consent to the administration of medication;
(c) the name of the medication to be administered;
(d) the time and date the medication was last administered;
(e) the time and date, or the circumstances under which, the medication should be
next administered;
(f) the dosage of the medication to be administered;
(g) the manner in which the medication is to be administered;
(h) if the medication is administered to the child—
(i) the dosage that was administered; and
(ii) the manner in which the medication was administered; and
(iii) the time and date the medication was administered; and
(iv) the name and signature of the person who administered the medication;

2. Death of a child
answer: Notifying the regulatory Authority within 24 hrs or the time that the person becomes aware of it.

3. Escorting a child
-is this about the record of picking up a certain child?

4. Emergency care of a child
- emergency evacuation or medical emergency?

*I got my reference from the NSW State Record Act 1988