Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Children with additional needs
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Children with additional needs

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:34 am
by starulberg
What would be the process you would follow if you find that you have children with additional needs in your care (i.e., skills, age mix, dynamics and size of the group of children, and the level of risk involved in activities?

Hi dear friend,i am very confused what to do with this question,please could you help me?I have been reading some ideas but i haven't got the answers yet?

Re: Children with additional needs

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:07 am
by Lorina
You've asked this question before:

Processes To Follow

This question is basically asking how you would include the child with additional needs into your room. Do you need to adapt activities so they are safer, include activities that the child can participate in, how would you talk to the other children about it, is there any specialised equipment r room changes you need to do in order to accommodate this child... Here is some further information:

Hope this helps,
