CHCPR502E - Interpreting Observations
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:47 pm
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: chcpr502e,chcpr509a &chcpr614c
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner
Your Question?
Using the observations collected for task 1, provide a detailed interpretation of each.
needs to meet performance criteria:
2.1: U se observations and information to assess and monitor child’s play preferences, social interactions, communication and language, thinking styles, physical abilities and emotional status.
2.2: Interpret information and observations to identify individual emerging skills, capabilities, potential, interests, and preferences of child to guide program strategies to foster development.
2.4: Demonstrate understanding and application of inclusive principles in interpreting observations.
1.5: Identify degree of inclusiveness in children’s interactions and language and develop strategies as required.
3.2: Demonstrate clear links between evidence from observations and interpretation of behaviour, needs and interests.
3.4: Ensure interpretations of observations demonstrate inclusive principles and understanding.
What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Ive been answering what i see like linking to eylf but really having trouble fing the right words to interpret my obs ive found some sights and looked on here but still not confident with how much interpretation do i need e.g a child who is confident with their drawing and can explain in great detail about it to me this is showing eg confidence as a learner,great language and commincation...argh im lost
Description and Message:
Hi all if anyone can point me in the direction to interpert and link to eylf and priniciples and practices would be great my observations i chose for this assignment were
• 2x Time sample these were of groups of children and what areas indoor and outdoor play being used most or least.
• 2x learning stories.
• Anecdotal record.
• Work sample.
• Running record.
thanks juzzy
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner
Your Question?
Using the observations collected for task 1, provide a detailed interpretation of each.
needs to meet performance criteria:
2.1: U se observations and information to assess and monitor child’s play preferences, social interactions, communication and language, thinking styles, physical abilities and emotional status.
2.2: Interpret information and observations to identify individual emerging skills, capabilities, potential, interests, and preferences of child to guide program strategies to foster development.
2.4: Demonstrate understanding and application of inclusive principles in interpreting observations.
1.5: Identify degree of inclusiveness in children’s interactions and language and develop strategies as required.
3.2: Demonstrate clear links between evidence from observations and interpretation of behaviour, needs and interests.
3.4: Ensure interpretations of observations demonstrate inclusive principles and understanding.
What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Ive been answering what i see like linking to eylf but really having trouble fing the right words to interpret my obs ive found some sights and looked on here but still not confident with how much interpretation do i need e.g a child who is confident with their drawing and can explain in great detail about it to me this is showing eg confidence as a learner,great language and commincation...argh im lost
Description and Message:
Hi all if anyone can point me in the direction to interpert and link to eylf and priniciples and practices would be great my observations i chose for this assignment were
• 2x Time sample these were of groups of children and what areas indoor and outdoor play being used most or least.
• 2x learning stories.
• Anecdotal record.
• Work sample.
• Running record.
thanks juzzy