CHCIC501A - Involving Families In The Self Assessment Process
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:52 pm
Part1 Qus 2
List some strategies you would implement to inform and involve families in the self assessment process. and Qus 3 What are some ideas for inviting feedback from families?How would you collect this evidence to use in your self assessment .What's the difference ?
I have written the following
To inform and involve parents and families in the self assessment process :
•Interviews will be scheduled as a follow up to respondents questionnaires
•Informal, conversational feedback
•Using focus groups for gathering evidence for a self assessment report
•Feedback forms to be given to parents and collected after the event is over.
•Have one or two parent representative for every class to whom parents would give feedback and suggestions and they in turn would inform the management
•Send home grade-level newsletters asking for parents to give their feedback, suggestions on any issue in the interest of their children. This may keep parents more involved
Thanks Goretti6
List some strategies you would implement to inform and involve families in the self assessment process. and Qus 3 What are some ideas for inviting feedback from families?How would you collect this evidence to use in your self assessment .What's the difference ?
I have written the following
To inform and involve parents and families in the self assessment process :
•Interviews will be scheduled as a follow up to respondents questionnaires
•Informal, conversational feedback
•Using focus groups for gathering evidence for a self assessment report
•Feedback forms to be given to parents and collected after the event is over.
•Have one or two parent representative for every class to whom parents would give feedback and suggestions and they in turn would inform the management
•Send home grade-level newsletters asking for parents to give their feedback, suggestions on any issue in the interest of their children. This may keep parents more involved
Thanks Goretti6