Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCFC508A - Creative Experiences That Foster Diversity
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CHCFC508A - Creative Experiences That Foster Diversity

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:17 pm
by nicole.simmonds
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: chcfc508a
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
give an example of experiences you would provide to foster creative and aesthetic development in each of the following age groups 0-2yrs, 2-3yrs & 3-5yrs

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
2. 0-2 years – Brush painting or drawing.
2-3 years – Being creative with the first letter of their name.
3-5 years – Cutting and Pasting

Description and Message:
i am adding the rest of questions as i dont want to add to many posts
3.what aesthetic, creative or art experiences do you or could you provide to encourage an appreciation of diversity
my answer: 3. By teaching the children about art, music and dance activities of all different cultures and have an area (multicultural table) where the children can go and look at books with all different artworks from different countries and cultures as well as having music playing for them to listen to during indoor play.

4. how would you encourage children to respect and appreciate the creative work of artists and their peers
my answer: 4. -Role modelling correct behaviour
- Active Teaching
- Conflict Resolution
- Sharing from the heart
- Teaching them fairness

6.what startegies would you use to facilitate and extend childrens imaginative and dramatic play experiences.
my answer: . Provide am aesthetically pleasing environment.
Display of quality adult visual art.
Create aesthetically pleasing displays of children's artworks.
Model aesthetic awareness and creativity.
Encourage visual representation and expression with the children to record aspects of the program

Re: am i on right track

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:25 am
by Lorina
You're on the right track with your responses. :thumbup:

For question 1 (0-2 years), I'll probably add finger painting instead. Some children at this stage may find it hard to grasp and hold a paint brush without assistance. Finger Painting is easier. You can add different coloured paints for the children to mix to create secondary colours. For example: red and yellow create orange.

For question 3 I'd also add dress ups in home corner from different cultures, cooking experiences, playing games from different cultures.

Hope this helps,
