Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCFC507A/508B - Supporting Dramatic Play, Teaching Concepts
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CHCFC507A/508B - Supporting Dramatic Play, Teaching Concepts

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:13 am
by indiachristina
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCFC507A & CHFC508A - Use music to enhance children's experience and development & Foster children's aesthetic and creative development
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
What are 5 strategies on supporting the inclusion of imitation, dramatic and imaginative play?
as well as 2 experiences per topic for; introducing toddlers to colour/texture, introducing line, shape and size for preschoolers, introducing patterns to preschoolers and how to focus on body/senses awareness for preschoolers.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I haven't done anything for the strategies, however for introducing colour I thought of colouring a black and white picture using simple pain colours to introduce it.

Description and Message:
I really need help as I am trying to get my diploma done in 6 months so that I can get advanced standing for my Bachelor of Education. Yes, I am studying two different courses at the same time.

ANY help would be appreciated.


Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:11 am
by Lorina
For introducing toddlers to colour and texture you could just use the environment. You can talk about the different colours inside the room as well as outside. Walk around the room and point out the different colours you see, you can even do this while you’re outside as well. For example: “I found yellow, look it’s here (point it out), can anybody else see yellow? Where is it, can someone show me?” Once they become familiar with basic colours (red, blue, yellow) then you can introduce games like “I Spy”. While transitioning you can also say something like “if you’re wearing red, you can wash your hands” etc. Another experience you can do is have colour cards with different coloured items on the item. The child has to match the object to the correct colour. You can also do similar activities for texture as well.

For sizes and shapes I like to sing songs that teach these concepts. Here are some songs you could try:
teaching shapes to 2-3 yr old, help!

You could also have matching shape games. Have an A4 piece of paper with 4 different shapes on it. Cut out shapes and the child has to match the shapes onto the board. Like Bingo (if they makes sense).

For patterns you could have a small try filled with sand for drawing patterns. Get different materials and fabrics with patterns discuss with children. Do a painting using different items that cause a pattern effect such as rolling a car, printing leaves, using rollers etc.

For body awareness/senses awareness you can have sensory experiences, tasting experiences, smelling experiences etc. You could also do relaxation exercises (child yoga) which works each of the different body parts of the child which will make them more aware.

Here is a link to our printables which will also give you some ideas on teaching different concepts to children:

Hope this helps,
