Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCFC503A-Developmental Theorists
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CHCFC503A-Developmental Theorists

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:16 am
by Steffelz
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCFC503A Foster Social Development in Early Childhood
Your Assignment Type: Other
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
Hi guys, so Ive answered this question as best I can but I have no idea if its right, Im paranoid its really wrong and I cant get hold of my lecturer.
The question was, to research Child Developmental Theorists (such as Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bandura, etc.) and and answer the following questions.

Its set out in a table, but I can't figure out how to upload it, so Ill just explain it.
There are 5 Aspects of trusting relationships with children, from a - e. these aspects are
A Listening attentively and showing children their views are valued and aknowleged

B Acknowleging and supporting childrens preference for particular adults and peers

C Helping children to understand and accept responsibility for their own actions

D Encouraging children to express and manage their feelings

E Supporting childrens various levels of interaction and participation during play

Then for each of these aspects I have to answer "Which approaches guide you most in this area?" and "How do/will these apects influence your actions"

My answer is posted below.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Which approaches guide you most in this area?

How do/will these approaches influence your actions

The way we interact with children will show them that they are valued and respected. We need to respond to each individual child differently, depending on their needs, interests, style and ability. We need to give them enough time to respond. We need to show empathy and reflect what they are saying(to show that we’re listening and that their views, thoughts and feelings are valued and acknowledged).

Which approaches guide you most in this area?

How do/will these approaches influence your actions?

Children need to feel safe and secure in their environments in order to take risks, investigate and interact. Positive relationships provide a secure base for children in a time of need and are imperative for development and skill acquisition.

Which approaches guide you most in this area?

How do/will these approaches influence your actions?
Chilrdren need to be taught what is right and wrong and why. They need guidance and explanations as to why certain behaviours are not acceptable and that they alone are responsible for their behaviour. We need to provide this guidance and these explanations in a way that children understand, we also need to teach children how to communicate their feelings in a socially acceptable manner.

Which approaches guide you most in this area?

How do/will these approaches influence your actions?

Learning to know how to deal with our feelings comes from observing others. We need to model feelings and the correct way to deal with them, we need to teach children to identify and use words to describe their feelings

E I am totally stumped by this one
Which approaches guide you most in this area?

How do/will these approaches influence your actions?

Description and Message:
Please help

Re: Developmental Theorists

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:57 am
by Lorina
I've read your question and answers and they seem to be on the right track...

With your last question I'm going to give you an attachment based on the developmental theories you are referring to. The information in this attachment provides details of each theorists as well as associated links to students learning and development.

Hopefully you can get some ideas from here...


Re: CHCFC503A-Developmental Theorists

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:30 am
by Steffelz
YAY!!!! thanks so much!