Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE22 Promote children's agency
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CHCECE22 Promote children's agency

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:28 pm
by elanf
Okay so HI GUYS!

Would love if you had any feedback on my attempted answers for these questions. I feel like something may be missing, or may be on the wrong track.

Thank you so much

2.1 What is Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and how does this concept relate to play and learning principles?
my attempted response;
The zone of proximal development refers to the tasks a child is unable to complete alone, but is able to complete with the assistance of an adult. An educator plans a learning experience for a specific child at a level just beyond his/her current level of performance.
According to Vygotsky play is the negative of a child's general, everyday behaviour, in other words whilst a child is engulfed in their play they are above their average age.

2.2 Explain the relationship between intentional teaching and scaffolding.
my attempted response;
Educators make use of spontaneous teachable moments to scaffold children's learning. Scaffolding is one of many strategies educators employ in order to direct children towards outcomes for learning.

2.3 Define peer scaffolding and provide one example of how you could facilitate peer scaffolding.
Refers to the process in which peer/s model or demonstrate the problem solving process then step back and offer support as needed