Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE023
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Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:13 pm
by NAhmad
Hi Lorina I need help with these questions
1. When taking observations,

a. List the key stakeholders that you would consult with
b. Note how can you share information appropriately

2 Provide four (4) opportunities for observation when/where and what you expect to be observed.

3. Based on the child’s age and dexterity development, identify the type and size of ball are you going to provide
for a three year old and explain your choice.

4 Identify a regulatory or legislative requirement of the child care industry.

5 Discuss the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the National Quality Standards (NQS) rating and
assessment process principles and practices that relate to:
a. Documentation
b. Profiling each child's learning and wellbeing
c. Record keeping

6. Research the code of ethics related to a child care setting and explain the principles related to gathering and
analysing information about children’s learning.


Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:59 am
by Lorina
1. Stakeholders mean all the people that's connected with the child in this instance so parents, educators involved with the child etc.

2. You can take observations anywhere or at anytime.

3.Balls For Kids

4. Regulations

5. Assessment and Rating Process

6. Code Of Ethics
