Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE021-Scenario: Isabella, Julie and Michael
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CHCECE021-Scenario: Isabella, Julie and Michael

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:51 pm
by maddilil
Name: Isabella
Age: 4
Parents: Julie and Michael

Isabella is the eldest of four children. Michael is Australian and is an interstate truck driver. He has just returned to work after being unemployed for the last two years. Julie is Vietnamese and she had been being treated for post natal depression with her last baby who is 3 months old. Julie speaks in Vietnamese at home as she wants her children to be bilingual.
Isabella had delayed speech and can be very difficult to understand. She speaks in short sentences and phrases. If asked to repeat what she has said, because she wasn't understood, she will refuse to repeat it. She will not contribute to group discussion or participate in group games.
Isabella likes to draw and paint and will choose to do this every day. She especially enjoys dramatic play, cooking and playing with the babies, spending most of the play time in that area.
Isabella likes to play near the other children but has not formed a close friendship as yet. She has missed a lot of days of preschool through illness. She constantly has a runny nose and she has been sent home twice in the past month with fluid coming from her ear. The preschool teacher has spoken to Julie about taking Isabella to an ENT and having hearing tests but she has not had any transport while Michael is away. An educator overheard a child telling Isabella that she "talks like a baby" so she can't join in the game.
Recently the other children in the group have been complaining that Isabella has bitten them. This has occurred during altercations over sharing toys.

Who can you identify as being at risk of harm in this scenario? What actions would you take?

What I have so far?
I think that Isabella is at risk of harm due to constant sickness and unable to see a doctor due to lack of transport. I would arrange a formal meeting with the family..
and now I am stuck. Please help.

Re: CHCECE021-Scenario: Isabella, Julie and Michael

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:19 pm
by Lorina
Yes, Isabella is at risk of harm because she constantly has a runny nose, she has fluid coming from her ears and she needs to have hearing tests done. Since, the father is away Julie mentioned she cannot take Isabella to the specialists to get checked up. You could provide information on ENT specialists within the area where it may be easy for Julie to travel to, to get to the specialist. You could also provide information about the fluid coming out of the ears and what this may result to as well if left for too long etc.

Hope this helps!
