Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE019 - Opening A Centre
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CHCECE019 - Opening A Centre

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:21 pm
by Kat13
Assignment Task 1
You are opening an education and care service. You will need to decide what type of education and care service you will provide, and address the following: it is full project
The ages you will cater for
• How many rooms and number of children in each area
• Hours of operation
• Educators qualifications and roles
• What you want to achieve and how you will achieve this?
• Where the service is located
• The demographic who are accessing the service
Identify the stakeholders of the service
• Explain how you would ensure consultation with all key stakeholders when developing a service mission statement and philosophy for the service and a related list of organisational goals which reflect the uniqueness of the service and its community.
Identify the overall purpose and philosophy of the service including aims and objectives
Identify the management structure of the service and list two decisions that each stakeholder would be required to make in relation to their role.
Identify three strategies you think are effective to consult with stakeholders to ensure responsiveness to stakeholder’s needs, values and beliefs. Provide reasons for your answers.
. List the key items and areas of consideration that would be included in developing a budget and
• cash flow model for the first 12 months of a business plan for your centre. Identify two financial accountability processes to monitor service viability
• Identify two strategic alliances that you would develop for the service and describe the steps
• you would take to negotiate and maintain these alliances and the benefits for the service Recruitment process – you are recruiting for the Nominated Supervisor who will also be the
• Educational Leader of the service. Detail and develop the following:
salary and award conditions
the duty statement/job description for the position
the selection criteria for the position, consider management skills and educational skills
required for the position
the advertisement for the job,
the selection tools you will use, include at least three tools you would use to select staff,
the interview questions you will use, consider management skills and educational skills
 required for the position details of how you will monitor and review the workplace performance of staff and
 an explanation of what you will do if you have a ‘performance management’ issue relating to
 compliance of the regulations with the new staff member Develop a simple marketing plan for your service
• Select and develop one (1) from the following marketing tools – media release, advertising
• brochure, radio or television advertisement, web site, community flyer. Provide a copy of your chosen marketing tool in your submission What process will you use to monitor and evaluate your service delivery to ensure you are
• meeting client needs and implementing your service philosophy, goals and aims. In your response, consider legislative requirements.

anyone has sample assignment or format and give me ideas too
can I have soon i am planning to start soon

Re: CHCECE019 - Opening A Centre

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:22 pm
by Lorina
I will be more than happy to check each area as you complete it...
