Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE018 - Creativity In Early Childhood Education and Care
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CHCECE018 - Creativity In Early Childhood Education and Care

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:55 am
Hi! Could someone please help me with these questions.. I am struck in this for a while now..
I really hope to get some assistance. Thanks

1. Describe ‘creativity’ in the context of Early Childhood Education and Care
2. Explore the difference between product and process.
3. Explore how the physical environment (including open-ended materials and loose parts) can support creativity.
4. Describe the role of the educator in supporting creativity.
5. Provide examples of creativity in areas such as play (indoors and outdoors), music/movement, dramatic play and the visual arts.

Please help!!

Re: CHCECE018 - Creativity In Early Childhood Education and Care

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:40 am
by Lorina
I think the first step is for you to do some research for the above question. Start off with searching "creativity in early childhood" in Google and from here you can read articles and find information to help answer your questions. Then you can be more precise with your searching such as "supporting creativity in early childhood" to help you find the relevant information.
