Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE016 - Supporting A Child's Health and Comfort Needs
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CHCECE016 - Supporting A Child's Health and Comfort Needs

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:09 pm
by chantelle.jade
So I've just started my diploma and I was wondering if I get some help of your understanding on this question I'm stuck on..

Describe strategies to help support a child's health and comfort needs

Now who am I suggesting this to? Is it just talking about the use of policies and proceedures, an educational program and a routine...

I just really overthink things and am stressing out that I'm not interpreting what the question is asking correctly

Re: CHCECE016 - Supporting A Child's Health and Comfort Needs

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:52 am
by Lorina
Supporting Child's Health:

communicating with families about children’s health requirements
implementing appropriate practices when administering medication
checking the written authorisation from the parent or guardian
checking that the medication does not exceed its use-by date and is supplied in its original packaging
checking that prescribed medication displays the child’s name
storing medication appropriately
discussing health issues with children

Ref: Guide To The NQS


Re: CHCECE016 - Supporting A Child's Health and Comfort Needs

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:55 am
by Lorina
Supporting Child's Comfort:

communicating their needs for comfort and assistance
recognising and communicating their bodily needs
demonstrating a sense of belonging and comfort in their environment
who do not require sleep or rest having opportunities to engage in appropriate quiet play activities
being supplied with clean, appropriate spare clothes when they need them
groupings of children configured to provide for each child’s comfort and to minimise the risk of overcrowding
sleep and rest practices that are consistent with contemporary views about children’s health, safety and welfare and that meet children’s individual needs
physical spaces being made available for children to engage in rest and quiet experiences
educators providing a range of active and restful experiences and supporting children to make appropriate decisions regarding participation
children’s needs for privacy during toileting and/or dressing and undressing times being respected
children’s and families’ individual clothing needs and preferences being met to promote children’s comfort, safety and protection within the scope of the service’s requirements for children’s health and safety

Ref: Guide To The NQS
