Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE016 - Supervision Policy
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CHCECE016 - Supervision Policy

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:03 pm
by BettyG
I can't find the answer to this anywhere on Google, please help me:
Summative Assessment 2 - Question 6

Develop a supervision policy or supervision plan that outlines how the organisation will meet the needs for supervising children with conduct disorder. Consider the activities they will be involved in during the day and how you will ensure that they and their peers will be kept safe.

I've answer the policy or supervision plan, but I can't answer the "activities they will be involved in during the day and how you will ensure that they and their peers will be kept safe"

Any help, much appreciate.

Re: CHCECE016 - Supervision Policy

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:58 am
by Lorina

BettyG wrote:QR_BBPOST activities they will be involved in during the day and how you will ensure that they and their peers will be kept safe

- Water Play
- Outdoor Play (equipment, ball games, obstacle course, quiet activities)
- Indoor Play (science, computers, puzzles, books, art, home corner etc).

Maybe think about the different areas and how the staff will supervise children overall.. If you are doing water play for example, a staff member should be physically there to supervise compared to a child reading a book or doing a puzzle...

Hope this helps,


Re: CHCECE016 - Supervision Policy

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:58 pm
by BettyG
Thanks Lorina